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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Does the true USB handle intel hex properly?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HelloWorld Posted - 06/24/2020 : 15:52:33
I recently did a programmer overview video that included the willem pcb6.0. One of its best features (besides programming 2732As) is that it handles complicated intel hex files properly. After many software versions the XGecu still cannot correctly place a hex file that is distributed among several starting addresses. People are frequently asking me what programmer to use if they do not have a parallel port and i have been wondering about recommending the True USB. However, can anyone attest to how well it handles complicated intel hex files?


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 06/25/2020 : 09:25:05
Originally posted by HelloWorld

I recently did a programmer overview video that included the willem pcb6.0. One of its best features (besides programming 2732As) is that it handles complicated intel hex files properly. After many software versions the XGecu still cannot correctly place a hex file that is distributed among several starting addresses. People are frequently asking me what programmer to use if they do not have a parallel port and i have been wondering about recommending the True USB. However, can anyone attest to how well it handles complicated intel hex files?



The GQ-4X programmer can easily program 2732, 2732A and 2732B amongst many others. The USBPrg software handles BIN, HEX, ROM, STAPL, JAM, JBC, S and MOT files.

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