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Gameguy Posted - 10/22/2022 : 20:18:31
Greetings All...
I have a GQ-4X Burner trying to burn data to a TI 27C128A eprom. BIN file has data going only to offset B7F0. Shows up this way in the buffer. Burning the eprom goes fine. Chip fails the verify. When I look into why, there is data from offset B800 on which has been confirmed to be from a previous burn. The info from the start to offset B7F0 is correct to the buffer but the additional data from B800 on is from the previous burn. This happens everytime I try to burn this BIN file. Different eproms do not help. I am running rev.6.38 on Win10. Any help would be appreciated.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 11/04/2022 : 12:31:58
Originally posted by Gameguy

Sorry for the delay. Turns out that my laptop just didn't like the GQ-4X's app for some unknown reason. It would not perform properly no matter what version I used. I have bought a GQ-4x4 programmer and it works as it should. Thanks again for your help.

Gameguy Posted - 11/04/2022 : 06:10:31
Sorry for the delay. Turns out that my laptop just didn't like the GQ-4X's app for some unknown reason. It would not perform properly no matter what version I used. I have bought a GQ-4x4 programmer and it works as it should. Thanks again for your help.
anniel Posted - 10/29/2022 : 03:24:14
Please post the 3 binary files. The previous, the wanted and the result.
Gameguy Posted - 10/28/2022 : 18:49:49
anniel Posted - 10/28/2022 : 05:24:54
Originally posted by Gameguy

which has been confirmed to be from a previous burn. The info from the start to offset B7F0 is correct to the buffer but the additional data from B800 on is from the previous burn.

Previous burn made with the GQ-4X?
Gameguy Posted - 10/27/2022 : 09:50:12
That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I’ve eliminated everything but the burner hardware itself. It makes no sense.
anniel Posted - 10/27/2022 : 03:52:06
Originally posted by Gameguy

the burner hardware is retaining the data and burning it along with the original .bin file.

Retaining data from where?
Gameguy Posted - 10/26/2022 : 17:56:33
Yes. Address lines are clear. I did a further experiment to try to narrow it down. I dug out an old desktop with Win XP. I installed the app on it using the install CD, same with the driver, imported the .zip file that had the .bin file I'm trying to burn and unpacked it there. Everything at this point was a fresh install. The program that keeps showing up was never on this computer. The only parts reused were the burner hardware and the eproms. The eproms were UV erased for 30 minutes prior to use and were read with all FFs confirming they were blank as well as passing the blank check. I set everything up, got the program loaded, showed in the buffer as correct. Got all parameters set...correct eprom and confirmed. Clicked the write button. All seemed to go well until the verify failed. I read the eprom to find that the added data was there once again. Having ruled the eproms out, the only thing I can conclude is somehow the burner hardware is retaining the data and burning it along with the original .bin file. Does the burner have any kind of memory? Please weigh in.

anniel Posted - 10/25/2022 : 15:44:02
Originally posted by Gameguy

Thanks for replying. Yes, they were erased for 30 minutes or so in the UV eraser. I blank checked them and even read from them before burning. The read comes back as all FFs and the blank check confirms. I have some different eproms coming. I'll see if that does make the difference.

Once the data is loaded from your file to the buffer the programmer has no way to add data to the burn by itself. Address lines are clean?
Gameguy Posted - 10/25/2022 : 15:04:25
Thanks for replying. Yes, they were erased for 30 minutes or so in the UV eraser. I blank checked them and even read from them before burning. The read comes back as all FFs and the blank check confirms. I have some different eproms coming. I'll see if that does make the difference.
anniel Posted - 10/24/2022 : 06:26:49
Originally posted by Gameguy

Greetings All...
I have a GQ-4X Burner trying to burn data to a TI 27C128A eprom. BIN file has data going only to offset B7F0. Shows up this way in the buffer. Burning the eprom goes fine. Chip fails the verify. When I look into why, there is data from offset B800 on which has been confirmed to be from a previous burn. The info from the start to offset B7F0 is correct to the buffer but the additional data from B800 on is from the previous burn. This happens everytime I try to burn this BIN file. Different eproms do not help. I am running rev.6.38 on Win10. Any help would be appreciated.

Did you erase and blank check your chips?

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