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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Write Error when writing AM29F800

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oscarcorra Posted - 04/07/2023 : 07:48:56
Hello, good day, and happy Easter, I want to see if you can help me buy the GQ 4X4 programmer, and I bought it 2 months ago especially to read and write AM29F800BB memories, I still can't write an AM29F800 memory, it reads them very well, it erases them very well, it verifies very well, but when the file has to be written, it writes it to me just halfway, when it reaches 50% it outputs Write Error Address=0x000000, Buffer=0xFA Device=0x05, do you have any idea that it might be wrong for that I did not program it completely, I will have to modify some configuration, I hope your help please, I bought 2 new AM29F800 memories thinking that they could be the memories, I hope you can help me, thank you very much in advance.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/09/2023 : 05:31:50
Test H/W in the menu.
oscarcorra Posted - 04/08/2023 : 06:08:53
Thanks for answering, I don't understand what you mean by verifying the direction lines, could you explain how to do it, or give me an idea, thanks.
anniel Posted - 04/08/2023 : 05:45:19
Originally posted by oscarcorra

If it were the adapter, it would not program half of the file and the strange thing is that it always cuts at 50%, it is also strange that it saves a file with ff and it saves it well, the truth is that it drives me crazy and I don't know what else to do and I bought it to record these memories, I hope someone can give me a hand to repair this problem, thanks in advance for answering me

Check your address lines.
oscarcorra Posted - 04/07/2023 : 18:06:45
If it were the adapter, it would not program half of the file and the strange thing is that it always cuts at 50%, it is also strange that it saves a file with ff and it saves it well, the truth is that it drives me crazy and I don't know what else to do and I bought it to record these memories, I hope someone can give me a hand to repair this problem, thanks in advance for answering me
anniel Posted - 04/07/2023 : 10:53:31
Originally posted by oscarcorra

Hello, good day, and happy Easter, I want to see if you can help me buy the GQ 4X4 programmer, and I bought it 2 months ago especially to read and write AM29F800BB memories, I still can't write an AM29F800 memory, it reads them very well, it erases them very well, it verifies very well, but when the file has to be written, it writes it to me just halfway, when it reaches 50% it outputs Write Error Address=0x000000, Buffer=0xFA Device=0x05, do you have any idea that it might be wrong for that I did not program it completely, I will have to modify some configuration, I hope your help please, I bought 2 new AM29F800 memories thinking that they could be the memories, I hope you can help me, thank you very much in advance.

Problem with the adapter maybe?

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