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 Dont Read ST M28F102-120K1

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Hartlauer Posted - 10/08/2024 : 12:01:39
Can you help me please

The GQ4x4 won't let me read this module, the bar goes up to 100% but there is no data. When I verify, an error message appears. What am I doing wrong? It's a ST M28F102-120K1 PLCC44
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anniel Posted - 10/10/2024 : 08:27:55
Originally posted by Hartlauer

Change pin 1-2 and 2-3 no funktion

Are you certain the chip is good with data present?
Hartlauer Posted - 10/09/2024 : 12:39:31
Change pin 1-2 and 2-3 no funktion
Hartlauer Posted - 10/09/2024 : 12:39:01
Yes of course
anniel Posted - 10/09/2024 : 12:29:14
Originally posted by Hartlauer

The Jumper j1 is plugged between 1 and 2 and J5 is plugged into the 3 pins on the right so to speak between pin 2 and 3

Did you try changing J5 position?
Hartlauer Posted - 10/09/2024 : 11:47:13
I have the jumper in other position tested
Dont funktion . No identification and read FF
Hartlauer Posted - 10/08/2024 : 21:26:32
The Jumper j1 is plugged between 1 and 2 and J5 is plugged into the 3 pins on the right so to speak between pin 2 and 3
anniel Posted - 10/08/2024 : 13:17:37
Originally posted by Hartlauer

Can you help me please

The GQ4x4 won't let me read this module, the bar goes up to 100% but there is no data. When I verify, an error message appears. What am I doing wrong? It's a ST M28F102-120K1 PLCC44

What are your jumper settings?

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