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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 How to use PSOP44 with GQ-3X USB ???

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raymanbu Posted - 05/04/2009 : 11:40:41
Hi all,
I need urgently a user manual for my GQ-3X with PSOP44 adapter. How can I use this V2 adapter on the GQ-3X to work on PSOP44 flash chips like AM29F200/400 etc? How to connect jumper? How many jumpers needed, where to connect them etc? All such stuff for read and write jobs. Can someone give me step by step how to work on this programmer with this adapter? Thanks alot...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 01/08/2019 : 07:43:12
Originally posted by hassmakki

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by hassmakki

Sorry for massive image, I didn't check file size lol.

Doesn't bother me.

"A19 is for 800 chips"

Where would I connect if I was reading/ writing 800 chip?

By the way I greatly appreciate your help on this. I have searched for documentation online and this is closest I found for help.

hassmakki Posted - 01/08/2019 : 07:22:25
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by hassmakki

Sorry for massive image, I didn't check file size lol.

Doesn't bother me.

"A19 is for 800 chips"

Where would I connect if I was reading/ writing 800 chip?

By the way I greatly appreciate your help on this. I have searched for documentation online and this is closest I found for help.
anniel Posted - 01/07/2019 : 08:03:21
Originally posted by hassmakki

Sorry for massive image, I didn't check file size lol.

Doesn't bother me.
anniel Posted - 01/07/2019 : 08:02:23
Originally posted by hassmakki

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by hassmakki

Hello all, I have used my adp-019 to program a few 29F400/800
But I cant get it to program this 28f400 chip past address 0x060000

I am using a GQ-3X

Dirty or damaged pins.

I have cleaned chip several times. My pins look very clean. I checked adapter performance using another chip.

I do see I my have to on 28f400 connect a19 pin to programmer?

please see picture.

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If the chip is clean and the adapter works fine with another chip then your chip is bad.

A19 is for 800 chips.
hassmakki Posted - 01/07/2019 : 07:45:10
Sorry for massive image, I didn't check file size lol.
hassmakki Posted - 01/07/2019 : 07:43:35
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by hassmakki

Hello all, I have used my adp-019 to program a few 29F400/800
But I cant get it to program this 28f400 chip past address 0x060000

I am using a GQ-3X

Dirty or damaged pins.

I have cleaned chip several times. My pins look very clean. I checked adapter performance using another chip.

I do see I my have to on 28f400 connect a19 pin to programmer?

please see picture.

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1298073 bytes
anniel Posted - 01/05/2019 : 13:52:23
Originally posted by hassmakki

Hello all, I have used my adp-019 to program a few 29F400/800
But I cant get it to program this 28f400 chip past address 0x060000

I am using a GQ-3X

Dirty or damaged pins.
hassmakki Posted - 01/05/2019 : 12:38:17
Hello all, I have used my adp-019 to program a few 29F400/800
But I cant get it to program this 28f400 chip past address 0x060000

I am using a GQ-3X
Domino man Posted - 06/06/2012 : 19:11:42
is it possible to read/program Fujitsu Msp55lv160 psop44 ic's with the GQ-4X
raymanbu Posted - 05/06/2009 : 22:05:52
Thanks a lot... :)
ZLM Posted - 05/06/2009 : 19:25:01

raymanbu Posted - 05/05/2009 : 23:01:36
Thank you very much, I did this update on my "device.txt" list.

What adapter should I use to manage one-time-programable PLCC44 eproms like ATMEL 27C1024-128KB. Since the GQ-3X has a 32 pin ZIF the PLCC44-DIP40 adapters can not be used...
ZLM Posted - 05/05/2009 : 08:18:56
You can select TSOP48 series to program the PSOP44 chip. The adapter will do the conversion.
However, you can add following lines into "devices.txt". This will add regular AMD PSOP4 type devices in the software.

Name="AM29F200T*PSOP44",ID="0151",Class="29F200T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F200B*PSOP44",ID="0157",Class="29F200B",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F400T*PSOP44",ID="0123",Class="29F400T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F400B*PSOP44",ID="01AB",Class="29F400B",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F200AT*PSOP44",ID="0151",Class="29F200T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F200AB*PSOP44",ID="0157",Class="29F200B",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F400AT*PSOP44",ID="0123",Class="29F400T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F400AB*PSOP44",ID="01AB",Class="29F400B",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F200BT*PSOP44",ID="0151",Class="29F200T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F200BB*PSOP44",ID="0157",Class="29F200B",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F400BT*PSOP44",ID="0123",Class="29F400T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F400BB*PSOP44",ID="01AB",Class="29F400B",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F800T*PSOP44",ID="01D6",Class="29F800T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";
Name="AM29F800BT*PSOP44",ID="01D6",Class="29F800T",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-019 PSOP44-DIP32",RVPP="5V",Message="Set the adapter to 5V jumper position.";

There is only one chip selection jumper on the adapter. So, you can select between 28FXXX and 29FXXX chip.

However, for the GQ-3X programmer. Address wire A19 is needed when programming 29F800 series flash chips.

raymanbu Posted - 05/04/2009 : 22:07:57
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I solved the this issue.
However, I found out that the program interface has listed these AM29Fxx series flashes all as TSOP48 series and not as PSOP44. Does this effect somehow the read and write processes? Will this cause problems for me in future?

One furter quesiton is how to use the stuff on PSOP44 29F800 series flashes, I guess there will be a jumper used. How and when?

ZLM Posted - 05/04/2009 : 18:13:06
The setup is easy, place the chip in the adapter and then place on the adapter on the programmer.
No jumper setting on programmer, no extrac onnection on AM29F200/400. just one 5V VCC jumper on the adapter is needed.

1. Connect the programmer.
2. Place the chip in the adapter.
3. Place the adapter on the programmer ZIF socket and lock the handle.
4. Select devcie type from the software AM29F200 or AM29F400.
5. Click on read button to read the chip.

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