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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Can the GQ-4X support K9F1G08U0M?

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RetroRepair Posted - 07/13/2011 : 15:14:19
I'm hoping to read out the k9f1g08u0m which is a 128mb flash chip. It's going to need an adapter I know but how would I read it if I had one?

If the GQ-4X can't read it in, what can?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
osvaldo Posted - 07/26/2011 : 21:13:06
Hello friend come in such memory mp3 players and mp4 and mp5 gravel siqueres know as Web searches that a lot of info. and check back mcu people to see if an update for the gq-4x that to set this Mimori programmers are very expensive and also from adapters and thanks and good luck whatever queries I
wsgolfm Posted - 07/15/2011 : 19:49:34
The file system isn't standard btw, so it needs to be a RAW read.

agree so
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 07/14/2011 : 22:21:18
I upgraded to a better programmer some time ago, even tho I still hang around here.

This is what I have now:
RetroRepair Posted - 07/14/2011 : 03:06:32
The file system isn't standard btw, so it needs to be a RAW read.
RetroRepair Posted - 07/14/2011 : 02:36:16
That would be good and I appreciate the offer, though I'd much rather do it myself, how do you do it?
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 07/13/2011 : 22:28:53
GX-4X cant read NAND.

If you just require the contents to be read I could read it for you, im in the UK so shipping is quick/cheap.

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