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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Cant program 2764A

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
StellasMan Posted - 11/02/2011 : 06:59:30
I am trying to program a 2764A chip but am failing. Here is the exact text of the error:

H/W Re: GQ-4X Re-1.40
USB Driver Re.2.0
Software Re. 6.13
Checking new software on server...
This software is updated already.
DEVICE 2764(21V VPP)
<<2764(21V VPP)>>
Load C:\Users\Dad\Documents\Adams-Maxwell\BobbinProj\Generic3.hex
Speed = 5
ID check skipped
Writing... Code
Elapsed time: 26.31 seconds.
Write failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x02 Device=0xFF
Write failed


Identical error occurred using devices '2674' and '2764A(12.7V VPP)'.

Exact text on the chip is as follows:

PGM @ 21V
<copyright> i '88

I have tried plugging a 9V power supply into the programmer, but I get the same results.

Any idea what I can do to get this to work?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dodgen247 Posted - 05/16/2012 : 20:00:56
I am having the same problem, any fix?
ZLM Posted - 11/19/2011 : 21:34:34
write to
StellasMan Posted - 11/10/2011 : 07:20:18
Where do I send it?
ZLM Posted - 11/05/2011 : 00:43:28
If you are sure your chip is a good chip. Then you can send your chip with the programmer back to MCUmall for checking. MCUmall will make it work. It is free of course.

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