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 M27C256B and random chip verify error

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T O P I C    R E V I E W Posted - 01/03/2013 : 18:53:25
Hi you all!
Im a user and fan og the CG line of programers, and have one for about a year, and sometimes have some trouble writing/verifing chips.
This time I was working wit M27c256B wicth need UV to blank and its a lot harder to rerwrite...
I write a file for car remaping and verify ok and car runing fine. Got a 2nd new blank chip and write a second mod file 2 days after and car didn t work.
Verify both chips and the old one sometimes got verify errors and the mod2 was fine but car didn t start. tryed 2 or 3 times and mod file was ok. Later etarted to have problems in verifiing chips that gave errors.
At night tryed again but after read verify started to give more errors.
As sometimes it gives this errors in other chips (like 29f010)any ideia what could be?
I also tryed to write again the same chip with same file without deleting, and strangly it did and verify 100%

Can this improve anything? Shouldn t the write guarantee that data is all there or should we rewrite the chip twice??

Thanks for ideias
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anniel Posted - 06/20/2018 : 03:37:51
Originally posted by

Hello. And Bye.

Bye to you! Posted - 06/09/2018 : 15:12:54
Hello. And Bye.
ZLM Posted - 01/10/2013 : 00:47:14
Some old EPROM may need double write. The UV type EPROM has no internal verification feature. This is to make sure the chip is writen correctly. You can always do this on any chip. But the flash chips do not need double write. Posted - 01/08/2013 : 08:51:53
Thanks for the info...I ve just bought 2 new chips to try!
Just to get this strait: Is there an advantage to double write the chips? Only "C" UV chips or all?? (As there s the double write option there must be an advantage to do this always, maybe to ensure less read errors)
ZLM Posted - 01/05/2013 : 10:57:49
This is chip related. It is OK wot write twice. There is a DoubleWrite check box at the right side of software, you can always enable it.

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