T O P I C R E V I E W |
viliukas |
Posted - 03/11/2015 : 00:13:10 Hello, i try read Q80D0WQ(m35080) and programmer don't work. it read as there isn't any eeprom put in him. I clean eeprom legs that there would be great contact, but it don't work. I tried read and the new chip, but it don't read it. I tried reading with the all m35080 eeproms which are in device list(V, VP ....) but it don't read and don't see it.I tried and use and other connection which it's showing for V and VP series eeproms, but it's the same problem...How i could solve this problem?thanks. |
17 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
anniel |
Posted - 04/26/2018 : 15:00:30 quote: Originally posted by vibroverbus
Because this thread also comes up in google searches, re-posting this info here also. This is the answer to the (yes I know old...) OP's problem:
I've discovered at least one fact that is the source of many of the complaints about these chips, that seems inadequately / inaccurately documented:
Chips that are labeled as M38050-6 that are used in BMW instrument clusters (as well as probably some other makes and modules I am guessing...), do not use the standard ADP-004 pinout.
They very definitely absolutely use the 'special' pinout aka the ADP-088 pinout.
So for those of us with the GQ-4x or older programmers, and trying to read those specific chips, the doc is incorrect. USE THE ADP-088 CONNECTION for reading those old BMW-cluster chips.
Now, whether there are different M38050-6 chips that use the old 'standard' / ADP-004 pinout, I don't know. Could be, and it could be the BMW chips were silkscreened as -6 when they are really -V6 or whatever. But I guarantee that if you are trying to read those (and those are generally any BMW cluster chip from the early 2000's...), you need to use the ADP-088 pinout remapping, and ignore the posts and threads on this board that say the M38050-6 can use the ADP-004. That is not correct for BMW-cluster chips at the very least.
Good contribution. |
vibroverbus |
Posted - 04/26/2018 : 04:25:20 Because this thread also comes up in google searches, re-posting this info here also. This is the answer to the (yes I know old...) OP's problem:
I've discovered at least one fact that is the source of many of the complaints about these chips, that seems inadequately / inaccurately documented:
Chips that are labeled as M38050-6 that are used in BMW instrument clusters (as well as probably some other makes and modules I am guessing...), do not use the standard ADP-004 pinout.
They very definitely absolutely use the 'special' pinout aka the ADP-088 pinout.
So for those of us with the GQ-4x or older programmers, and trying to read those specific chips, the doc is incorrect. USE THE ADP-088 CONNECTION for reading those old BMW-cluster chips.
Now, whether there are different M38050-6 chips that use the old 'standard' / ADP-004 pinout, I don't know. Could be, and it could be the BMW chips were silkscreened as -6 when they are really -V6 or whatever. But I guarantee that if you are trying to read those (and those are generally any BMW cluster chip from the early 2000's...), you need to use the ADP-088 pinout remapping, and ignore the posts and threads on this board that say the M38050-6 can use the ADP-004. That is not correct for BMW-cluster chips at the very least. |
Posted - 05/04/2015 : 19:29:24 This programmer is confirmed work with latest software: Re5.36.
The Re5.36 added 08ODOWQ
Make sure you connected the chip with correct pin mapping. See: http://www.mcumall.com/support/_ADP-088_Connection.html
The final tested result:
1. M35080 6 (adapter ADP-004 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 2. M35080 3 (adapter ADP-004 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 3. M35080 V6 (adapter ADP-088 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 4. M35080 VP (adapter ADP-088 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 5. Q80D0WQ (adapter ADP-088 on GQ-4X tested and working good)
remap the chip and see if those are works.
Chip(ADP-004) ---- DIP adapter(ADP-067) --------------------- pin 1 ---- pin 4 pin 2 ---- pin 1 pin 3 ---- pin 3 pin 4 ---- pin 2 pin 5 ---- No connection pin 6 ---- pin 6 pin 7 ---- pin 5 pin 8 ---- pin 8
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The latest software Re 7.07 or later version on GQ-4x4 does not need the ADP-088 remapping the connection. The ADP-004 is good enough.
viliukas |
Posted - 05/01/2015 : 12:01:59 Hi, the programmer don't work with this chip i could say too! i tried m35080 6 from opel dashboard and there i wasn't able to read it. It read just everythink FF FF FF FF....i'm looking for new, more stable programmer... |
Posted - 03/28/2015 : 16:20:34 Your programmer is under warranty so if you want you can send the programmer back for refund.
Can you try a 25XXX chips? any 25XXX series 8 pin SPI chips. That will tell you if the programmer or software works good. If it is the software problem, then you do not need to send the programmer back. This chip is tesed here and no problem found.
It is worth to try on a 25XXX chip since you are in Bulgaria and shipping is very expensive.
By the way, there should be a list for a GQ-4X and a M35080 chip together as a bundle pack for sale.
z3f1r40 |
Posted - 03/28/2015 : 13:44:55 I am a car service too with more than 10 years experience with automotive electronics. This is not my first programmer and I know how to work this. After test with 9 pcs of chips M35080-3 or M35080-6, two of them were new and I try to write information on them, I can tell you that the programmer doesn't work with this chip. Or this one which you send me is defective. You must find solution and to fix the problem, it is in the programmer or in the software!
Posted - 03/26/2015 : 09:34:08 Try to find a SPI chip for testing, like 25XXX, that is similar chip to M35XXX.
The programmer GQ-4X is on the market almost 10 years. No points to claim a unsupported chip. We have more than 10 thousands users.
All on supported list chips are confirmed and tested. |
z3f1r40 |
Posted - 03/25/2015 : 14:32:58 I have test the programmer with chip 24c02 and it works fine with this chip. I can record a video if you don't believe me, but with M35080 does NOT work! On the pictures you can see that I have chips M35080-3 and M35080-6. A have made over 50 tests with them! I also try with moving the pins but also doesn't wor! Or this programmer is defective or you lie that it supports M35080! |
Posted - 03/24/2015 : 23:11:18
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Posted - 03/24/2015 : 15:43:13 I have tested following chips:
1. M35080 6 (adapter ADP-004 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 2. M35080 3 (adapter ADP-004 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 3. M35080 V6 (adapter ADP-088 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 4. M35080 VP (adapter ADP-088 on GQ-4X tested and working good)
How do you know your Q80D0WQ is M35080 6?
Did you try to remapping the pins with followings:
Some documents show the connection need to be remapped by following but not be true in my case.
You can try to remap the chip and see if those are works.
SOIC8 ---- DIP adapter --------------------- pin 1 ---- pin 4 pin 2 ---- pin 1 pin 3 ---- pin 3 pin 4 ---- pin 2 pin 5 ---- No connection pin 6 ---- pin 6 pin 7 ---- pin 5 pin 8 ---- pin 8
Check your adapter. It looks OK, but make sure it is pin to pin mapped.
Try any other EPROMs or chip on programmer without adapter and see if it works. |
z3f1r40 |
Posted - 03/24/2015 : 13:50:44 I have try with two empty and two more chips with information M35080-6 and it is the same with all of them. No read, no write! This programmer doesn't work properly with this kind of chip or you send me broken programmer. You even doesn't answer to my issues and problems! |
z3f1r40 |
Posted - 03/21/2015 : 05:05:20 I tested with another adapter with soldering - the problem is not in contact pin!
I don't have empty M35080 for a test. I need to download that information from this chip!
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Posted - 03/20/2015 : 21:33:40 Do you have one chip for testing? just write any thing into chip. Then you will know if the programmer works or chip is OK. Use multimeter OR magnify glass to check chip pin contacting. |
z3f1r40 |
Posted - 03/20/2015 : 03:12:16 I tryed 3 chips, taken from instrument cluster from BMW E46 and E60. This chips can't be blank! The problem is in the GQ-4X or software. Help me to solve it. |
Posted - 03/19/2015 : 23:30:05 Your chips are blank.
Try to write some data into the the chip, then you can know if the programmer works. |
z3f1r40 |
Posted - 03/19/2015 : 13:01:43 Hello, I have to problem with read a M35080-3 and M35080-6. It displays me only FF FF FF….. I use ADP-004 for this chips, but it don’t want to read them. I don`t use ADP-088 for this chips (this is not V6 or VP). I also try to read it at lower speed. I use the last version of software 6.34.
Where is the problem, and do you know any solution? I need an urgent response. Thanks!
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Posted - 03/11/2015 : 20:28:54 There are multiple version of M35080 chips:
1. M35080 6 (adapter ADP-004 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 2. M35080 3 (adapter ADP-004 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 3. M35080 V6 (adapter ADP-004 on GQ-4X tested and working good) 4. M35080 VP (adapter ADP-088 on GQ-4X not tested yet)
The testing chips I have are M35080 6. For those M35080 6 and M35080 3, the current software works fine with no pin remapping, the ADP-004 is good. That means if your chip is in DIP package, then you can just put it on ZIF. If your chip is in SOIC8, then you do need adapter ADP-004.
For M35080 VP, you need to use ADP-088 based on the message in software after you selected the M35080 chip.
I will order some M35080 V6 and M35080 VP for doing more testing.
Check your chip exact part number.
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