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 PIC16F1829 Adapter

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mkmxgrb1 Posted - 05/01/2015 : 04:06:17
I'm trying to program some 16F1829 chips using my GQ-4X.

I'm told I need an adapter PIC Adapter+, yet this is showing in your store as a legacy product. Do I need this adapter? If not, how can I modify the Devices.txt file to convince the GQ-4X to program the device?
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ZLM Posted - 06/17/2016 : 21:10:33
Thank you.

can you upload the device file you modified?
mkmxgrb1 Posted - 06/15/2016 : 08:31:51
I should add that I have only recently found that the GQ-4X wouldn't program a hex file that was filled with more than 50% (4095 bytes) of program size. I spent some time scratching my head thinking it was my program that was the problem but it was the device file for the 16F1829. This was listed as having a pgmmem size of 0x0 to 0xfff. I have changed this to 0x0 to 0x1fff (0 to 8191). This now seems to 'fix' the problem I was having.
ZLM Posted - 05/05/2015 : 10:06:00
Good work.

For the 14pin PIC chips, you can just put it on the GQ-4X programmer ZIF socket. It does not need the adapter.
mkmxgrb1 Posted - 05/05/2015 : 01:05:27
I've got this working. [Sort of...]

I edited the devices.txt file such that it tells the GQ-4X that a 16F1829 is a 14 pin device, I then place the chip into a 14 pin socket and place it into the programmer socket so that it sits in the position that the (similar device) 16F1825 would sit. This seems to work well.

I have also made a lead to go from the ICSP socket to a 20 pin socket and modified the devices.txt file to enable ICSP programming for this device.

I should add that I had to modify the device ID to 2927E4 and the code size to 8192 as these were incorrect.

[Entry in Devices.txt for ICSP programming]
Name="PIC16F1829*ICSP",ID="2927E4",Class="PIC16FXXX",Category="MCU",VPP="9V",WVPP="9V",MFG="Microchip",CFGAddress(Hex)="8007",CodeSize="8192",EepromSize="256",Package="DIP20",BEGPRG_COMMAND="8",ENDPRG_COMMAND="0A",BEGERASECHIP_COMMAND="9",ERASECHIP_COMMAND="",EEPROMHexFileAddress(Hex)="1E000",CFGHexFileAddress(Hex)="1000E",UserIDHexFileAddress(Hex)="10000",ChipMode="ICSP",Adapter="ICSP/PIC adapter+";

[Entry in Devices.txt for '14pin' programming]
Name="PIC16F1829_14Pin",ID="2927E4",Class="PIC16FXXX",Category="MCU",VPP="9V",WVPP="9V",MFG="Microchip",CFGAddress(Hex)="8007",CodeSize="8192",EepromSize="256",Package="DIP14",BEGPRG_COMMAND="8",ENDPRG_COMMAND="0A",BEGERASECHIP_COMMAND="9",ERASECHIP_COMMAND="",EEPROMHexFileAddress(Hex)="1E000",CFGHexFileAddress(Hex)="1000E",UserIDHexFileAddress(Hex)="10000",Adapter="ICSP/PIC adapter+, no adapter required on GQ-4X";

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