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 What is the largest Tsop chip supported by Gq-4x?

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dgdiniz Posted - 10/30/2015 : 08:14:54
Hi, with the gq-4x I can program 32Mb Tsop chips, like 29f032, but are there some 64/128/256Mb Tsop chips supported by gq-4x? Or the maximum supported is 32Mb?

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anniel Posted - 12/22/2015 : 12:10:41
I gave that as an exemple of multiplexing.
For your chip you can always switch the A24 and A25 lines manually and use an offset without a specific adaptor.
chadbh74 Posted - 12/22/2015 : 09:57:26
Well that topic talks about the GQ-5X. Also, the datasheet is for a H27U4G8_6F2D or H27S4G8_6F2D and I can't find either one in the DEVICES.TXT for the GQ-4X. The OP asked for an example of a 64MB/128MB chip supported by the GQ-4X. I too have wondered about this as every one I have come across is NOT in the DEVICES.TXT file.

Take this chip for example JS28F00AM29EWHA (1Gbit, 128M x 8) I can find suport for this chip in more expensive programmers with ZIF48 sockets, but not in any that have just a ZIF40.

Perhaps support is possible with the right adapter though?
anniel Posted - 12/21/2015 : 17:03:40
Bigger chips use multiplexing I/O address allocation.
chadbh74 Posted - 12/21/2015 : 14:29:10
Is there an adapter that expands the GQ-4X beyond the A23 line? I'm guessing some shift registers would be used to implement this?

For standard A0-A23 lines, the binary math works out as follows...

A0 - 2 bytes
A1 - 4 bytes
A2 - 8 bytes
A3 - 16 bytes
A4 - 32 bytes
A5 - 64 bytes
A6 - 128 bytes
A7 - 256 bytes
A8 - 512 bytes
A9 - 1024 bytes (1K)
A10 - 2048 bytes (2K)
A11 - 4K
A12 - 8K
A13 - 16K
A14 - 32K
A15 - 64K
A16 - 128K
A17 - 256K
A18 - 512K
A19 - 1024K (1MB)
A20 - 2MB
A21 - 4MB
A22 - 8MB
A23 - 16MB

So largest as is with A0-A23 would be a 16MB (MegaBYTES) chip. Often times the datasheets will rate chips in MegaBITS, which takes 8 bites to make a byte so we're talking 8 x 16 = 128 megabits max.

A simple way to calculate the max bytes is 2 ^ (Number of lines)

i.e. A0-A23 = 24 lines = 2 ^ 24 = 16,777,216 bytes
16,777,216 bytes / 1024 bytes (1K) = 16,384K (Kilobytes)
16,384K / 1024K (1MB) = 16MB (Megabytes)

Of course serial chips could get around this easily as well.
ZLM Posted - 11/07/2015 : 23:09:09
The GQ-4X has A0-A23 address lines. So, for the parallel chip, it can be support up to 4 GB.

However, the address line can be expended by adapter.

dgdiniz Posted - 11/04/2015 : 06:35:42
And about NOR-flash? What is the largest chip supported? Could you give an example of a 64/128Mb chip supported by gq-4x?
ZLM Posted - 11/03/2015 : 17:38:36
It is possible to program a none NAND flash TSOP chip. Regardless chip capacity.

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