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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Can read and Blank Chip bu not Write

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jimcking Posted - 04/01/2016 : 04:21:30
Am trying to use GQ-4x4 to write the Amega328p. Read is good and blank works. Write works but fails to verify. Data is written to wrong place and garbled.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Jim K.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mfreak89 Posted - 01/27/2017 : 13:08:19
Exactly the same problem with atmega64 isp....
The chip is ok. Works with tl866, upausb, atavrisp mk1... yes I have acrualy programmed the same chip woth isp withall programmers I had on hand. All worked ok except gq 4x4. Tryed latest software, 2 laptops 1 stationary pc, usb 2 / 3, win xp 7 and 10.. I does not work. :-/
jimcking Posted - 05/19/2016 : 13:35:49
It Works.


Jim K.
jimcking Posted - 05/19/2016 : 13:09:30

Jim K.
ZLM Posted - 05/17/2016 : 07:29:13
Thia has been fixed on software Re7.09.
jimcking Posted - 05/17/2016 : 06:45:25

Any Update on this?


Jim K.
ZLM Posted - 04/18/2016 : 06:53:52
jimcking Posted - 04/16/2016 : 03:59:14
Chip is on the way. Was shipped UPS. Tracking Number 1Z7R37200315595412. Tracking shows it will be there Thursday 21 April.

Jim K.
ZLM Posted - 04/11/2016 : 20:34:10
It seems a software bug on this chip.

Send the testing chip to:

GQ Electronics LLC
5608 Delridge Way SW,
Seatle, WA 98106
jimcking Posted - 04/11/2016 : 14:30:36
Will be glad to send you a chip. It is a stock factory Atmel ATmega328p, not a clone. Tell me where to send it to and ATTN: to.

Attached is an image file of what I get when I write all 11 to the chip and read it back. The eprom section of the chip works fine and the written data reads back with the same checksum.

The Flash part of the chip reads back as shown in the attached file.

Jim K.

Image Insert:

603429 bytes
ZLM Posted - 04/06/2016 : 11:02:33
The chip is listed in the supported list for many years. The problem may be related to something else. If you can send an testing chip to us, then the problem can be found and fixed.
jimcking Posted - 04/06/2016 : 10:29:17
Guess I will be returning this to Amazon.

I bought it to program the Atmega328 because it was listed by the manufacturer to work with it. Have not been able to write anything into any one of these chips. Read and Blank work fine.

Must be that either the GQ-4x4 is defective or that it really isn't possible for it to write one of these chips.

Jim K.
jimcking Posted - 04/02/2016 : 03:39:47
I am trying to burn a bootloader to an Arduino Atmega328p. When I read a chip that has a good bootloader and compare it to the original file they look the same.

When I try to burn the bootloader it does appear to burn and the only error is during verify. Error Message is:

Verify Failed, Address=0x007800, Device=0xFF, Buffer-0x0C

It also correctly reads the chip ID.

These made me think the read function was correct.

When I read from the chip, I see what is almost correct data about 11 lines down from the address it should be at. Have tried the slowest burning speed with not change.


Jim K.
ZLM Posted - 04/01/2016 : 21:45:22
How do you know read is good?

What is the exact error? Data is written to wrong place and garbled?

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