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 Problems writing AM29F400BT

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Perryking Posted - 04/17/2016 : 07:10:44
Hi, I bought a new GQ-4X, latest software 7.03. I have problems writing AM29F400BT. I can read without problems with adapter 019, set jumper in 29F and 5V, but cannot write.

I tried with two memories.

Error message:

Write failed, address=0x01002E, buffer=0x36, device=0x85

What can I do to write on those memories? Any software or firmware update?

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 11/02/2016 : 12:29:36
There are many factors can cause the write fail.

First you need to get ID correct. If not, then check the chip with adapter contacting, also the bad chip will cause the incorrect ID reported.
bostjannose Posted - 10/31/2016 : 05:10:37
hi guys
I also can not read Am29F400BT. I use the adapter ADP-019, set jumper and 29f and 5V, but can not read. What is wrong.
Perryking Posted - 04/19/2016 : 04:50:06

ZLM Posted - 04/18/2016 : 22:00:50

You need to erase the chip first.

Then write.
Perryking Posted - 04/18/2016 : 09:44:31
I checked all pins continuity and ok. I tried also lower speed.

I can read the original flash file, and verify its ok. If I tried to load another file, fail.
Perryking Posted - 04/18/2016 : 08:03:34
There are any adaptaer for this chips without springs?
ZLM Posted - 04/18/2016 : 06:53:17

1. make sure all pin contacts are good
2. Slower speed.
3. latest software.
4. a different USB cable.
5. another chip

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