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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Cannot write to Intel 83C51

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MBCluster Posted - 07/19/2017 : 19:34:04
Hey guys,

Love the Willem GQ-4X programmer, but having a problem writing to an Intel AN83C51FA chip.

I purchased the proper "AT89 / 51AVR / MCS-51 adapter For Willem Programmer" adapter, and according to the description, can R/W the "i8xC51" chips, so thats what I want. When I plug in the chip, I get a warning "ID Check failed 8953", but I can read the chip OK, but I cannot write to the chip.

Can anyone help, how can I write this chip? I saw a thread saying something about increasing the write current for the 87C51, but I dont know how to do this, assuming this is what is missing for the 83c51.


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anniel Posted - 07/27/2017 : 14:16:21
Originally posted by ZLM

The GQ-4X can program OTP chips if it is in the device list.

But the 83c51fa is not the OTP, it is the ROM type. not able to be programmed with GQ-4X.

Both 83c51fa and 93C51AF are not tested and confirmed on GQ-4X.

The datasheet doesn't seem clear about the ROM version being an OTP or a mask.
ZLM Posted - 07/25/2017 : 14:36:22
The GQ-4X can program OTP chips if it is in the device list.

But the 83c51fa is not the OTP, it is the ROM type. not able to be programmed with GQ-4X.

Both 83c51fa and 93C51AF are not tested and confirmed on GQ-4X.

MBCluster Posted - 07/23/2017 : 10:21:06
Aha! Thanks for the clarification ZLM! OK, I think I understand now. Here is a snapshot from documentation :

Image Insert:

19371 bytes

So the ROMless version must use an external Rom/EPROM. The ROM must be some vendor specific chip, programmed from the factory, and the EPROM version is the version which can be reprogrammed using the GQ-4x?

So in my case, I am repairing a system with an 83c51fa, which is malfunctioning. I can read the contents, and then get an upgraded 87c51FA to write the contents, and then I can replace the original?

That sounds logical.

So the interesting thing is, I found a seller on ebay and purchased a replacement 83C51FA chip, as can be seen in the photos, I read back all FFs. So then it would be illogical to even sell this chip, as it is useless!?

I can probably also go for the 93C51AF, as it is OTP.... I assume the GQ-4X supports that?

Can anyone confirm the above assertions?
ZLM Posted - 07/22/2017 : 07:44:43
The Intel 93C51AF is OTP/ROM type chip.

It only can be read. No way to re-program the chip.
MBCluster Posted - 07/20/2017 : 18:40:55
I was not aware. The adapter has the PLCC44 socket, so it is at least pin compatible.

According to the ADP-015 description, it takes :

Intel:i87C51, i87C51FA, i87C51FBi8xC51,i8xC52,i8xC54,i8xC58

So by that I assumed that the R/W interface was the same. The size of the internal flash shouldn't matter, the tool will R/W to whatever the capacity is?

There is only one selection for Intel in 7.11, which is 87C51, so I must pick it.

Is the problem support for the other variants? Does customer support need to add support? I read somewhere that CPUs have masks, is this a mask issue?

anniel Posted - 07/20/2017 : 18:18:43
You are aware that your AN83C51FA and the 87C51FB are not the same size?
MBCluster Posted - 07/20/2017 : 17:29:21
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to help.

Yes it is the same adapter. I purchased from the Ebay store :

Seems the title is not as good as the description, but it is the same.

My System = WinXP 32b
My Chip = AN83C51FA

Some pics attached, the following is me opening the application, can see version

Image Insert:

82877 bytes

Then selecting device: (only one option 87C51FB)

Image Insert:

41218 bytes

Try to perform read with warning:

Image Insert:

82500 bytes

Read successful (with blank chip):

Image Insert:

151072 bytes

Write unsuccessful :

Image Insert:

128538 bytes

Examine lock status, dont know what this does?

Image Insert:

31664 bytes

anniel Posted - 07/20/2017 : 05:07:49
When you say proper adapter, are you referring to the ADP-015?

Wich device did you select in the software?

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