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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
timepiloteer Posted - 01/10/2018 : 23:19:55

I am trying to read and verify a couple of rom chips from an arcade board. These chips are custom mask roms from a cps1 arcade board, stamped HN62404P, which are pin equivalent to hitachi HN27C4000G eprom or M27C400, all 40 pin chips.

I am using the ADP-054 adapter in the GQ-4X. If I place the chip in the left 40pin socket, it will successfully complete reading the chip, but it reads garbage and none of the 5 chips verify against a mame rom set. I know they are not all bad.

If I place the chip in the right-most socket with 48 pin slots, when trying to read the chip, the programmer just hangs and sits with an empty progress bar. I have to remove power, unplug USB, restart the GQUSB Program, and replug in again to get it to work again.

I am on Windows 10, the J1 jumper is on 1-2, I've tried J5 with V3 and V4 with no different results.

Does this mean I have a bad adapter?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 01/14/2018 : 21:24:32
This problem may be caused by any of following reasons:

1. Bad EPROM chip
2. Bad USB cable.
3. The USB port does not provide enough DC current. Try another computer or use external power adapter.
4. Poor pin contacting between chip and adapter, or adapter with programmer.

timepiloteer Posted - 01/14/2018 : 16:38:06
I used the GQ-4X with the ADP-054 adapter, and set the device to 27C400, I also tried M27C400. In the right zif socket, the program just hangs reading the rom.
anniel Posted - 01/14/2018 : 03:25:03
Originally posted by timepiloteer

Thanks, in the bottom of the right zif socket, trying to read the rom just hangs the program (never gets past zero %). This is with a 9v power adapter as well as only USB powered.

Which of the devices did you try?
timepiloteer Posted - 01/14/2018 : 00:19:01
Thanks, in the bottom of the right zif socket, trying to read the rom just hangs the program (never gets past zero %). This is with a 9v power adapter as well as only USB powered.
anniel Posted - 01/13/2018 : 05:52:33
Your chip goes in the bottom of the right ZIF.
timepiloteer Posted - 01/12/2018 : 08:59:11
Bump. Any ideas here?

I am using the generic 27c400 to read the roms, and if the chip is in the left slot, it will read nothing but FFFF for the whole buffer. If I put the chip in the right larger socket, the programmer will just hang. Is there anything I can do to further test if my adapter is working correctly?

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