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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Gq-4x and 4x4

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Grisly Posted - 03/07/2018 : 16:45:34
I’ve had a 4x for a few years now and it recently stopped reading at25020 eeprom. There’s no error, it just shows FF as if it’s not getting a good connection but if I disconnected and reconnected it a bunch of times it would work. Last weekend I couldn’t get it to work at all so after trying a new soic clip and a new usb cable I just ended up buying a 4x4 and it is doing the same thing. I have programmed hundreds of these and this problem just randomly appeared one day. Any ideas?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 03/09/2018 : 12:34:27
Originally posted by Rabite2

I, personally, would suspect that something's wrong with your pc, maybe the usb ports. I would try the same proccess on another system, just to be sure.
Hope this helps, a bit

Damaged devices.txt maybe?
anniel Posted - 03/09/2018 : 12:33:09
Originally posted by Grisly

I thought that as well, do I tried 4 different ones

From the same batch?
Rabite2 Posted - 03/07/2018 : 22:42:56
I, personally, would suspect that something's wrong with your pc, maybe the usb ports. I would try the same proccess on another system, just to be sure.
Hope this helps, a bit
Grisly Posted - 03/07/2018 : 20:34:49
I thought that as well, do I tried 4 different ones
anniel Posted - 03/07/2018 : 18:55:56
Originally posted by Grisly

I’ve had a 4x for a few years now and it recently stopped reading at25020 eeprom. There’s no error, it just shows FF as if it’s not getting a good connection but if I disconnected and reconnected it a bunch of times it would work. Last weekend I couldn’t get it to work at all so after trying a new soic clip and a new usb cable I just ended up buying a 4x4 and it is doing the same thing. I have programmed hundreds of these and this problem just randomly appeared one day. Any ideas?

If both programmers give the same results I would go for a bad chip.

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