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 GQ-4x4 am29bl802cb verify fails

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nightjoker7 Posted - 09/08/2018 : 22:58:45
I have tried 6 different am29bl802cb chips with my gq4x4 rev 1.0 all of them id fine and can be erased and written but after writing the verify fails every single time at 12.5%. if I do a bunch of reads save them and open in HxD hex editor every single file has countless differences. Please help I have tried everything. im very sure the chips are making good contact and are good as i have installed them back into the gm e40 engine computer and it works fine.

I noticed on my adp-087 adaptor the top section is a adp-103 is this correct, all the online pictures seem to say adp-087 on the top adaptor?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 09/10/2018 : 04:33:41
Originally posted by nightjoker7

I figured it out this setup works perfect, might want to fix the supplied one.

Name="AM29BL802CB",ID="XXXX",Class="AM29BL802",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP087",Speed="5",WVPP="5V",RVpp="5V",VCC="3.6v",BVCC="5V",WVCC="5V",EVCC="5V",EVPP="5V",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter jumpers to VCC 3.6V";

Excellent work you have done, bravo!
Thank you for sharing.
anniel Posted - 09/10/2018 : 04:31:22
Originally posted by nightjoker7

I was finally able to get valid reads that are identical each time and verify 100% by changing the devices.txt to this


with it this way it will not id correctly but it does do a valid read each time.

What ID do you get?
nightjoker7 Posted - 09/09/2018 : 19:55:45
I figured it out this setup works perfect, might want to fix the supplied one.

Name="AM29BL802CB",ID="XXXX",Class="AM29BL802",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP087",Speed="5",WVPP="5V",RVpp="5V",VCC="3.6v",BVCC="5V",WVCC="5V",EVCC="5V",EVPP="5V",Platform="GQ-4X",Message="Set the adapter jumpers to VCC 3.6V";

nightjoker7 Posted - 09/09/2018 : 17:49:08
To erase the chip and write it I needed to change VCC="3.6V" back to VCC="5V" after writing the verify fails. but once i change it back to VCC="3.6V" and read the chip then verify works. Any idea how to format it so i don't need to change it every time?
nightjoker7 Posted - 09/09/2018 : 17:09:13
I was finally able to get valid reads that are identical each time and verify 100% by changing the devices.txt to this


with it this way it will not id correctly but it does do a valid read each time.
nightjoker7 Posted - 09/09/2018 : 07:35:54
Oops that last post was a accident. I explained something working in my first post. I only installed the chip I was trying to copy back into the engine computer and it still worked. The others that i tried to write did not. Sorry i made it sound like they worked but just didn't verify in my first post.
nightjoker7 Posted - 09/09/2018 : 07:31:34
Originally posted by nightjoker7

I have tried 6 different am29bl802cb chips with my gq4x4 rev 1.0 all of them id fine and can be erased and written but after writing the verify fails every single time at 12.5%. if I do a bunch of reads save them and open in HxD hex editor every single file has countless differences. Please help I have tried everything. im very sure the chips are making good contact.

I noticed on my adp-087 adaptor the top section is a adp-103 is this correct, all the online pictures seem to say adp-087 on the top adaptor?

nightjoker7 Posted - 09/09/2018 : 07:20:58
Thank you but that is zero help, I have already read that exact page before even thinking of posting here. That is not the issue. It has be something wrong with the programmer or the adapter. I have been messing with this for 2 days and tried everything I can think of. I also ordered a tl866 to see if it works with these chips.
anniel Posted - 09/09/2018 : 02:56:22
Originally posted by nightjoker7

I have tried 6 different am29bl802cb chips with my gq4x4 rev 1.0 all of them id fine and can be erased and written but after writing the verify fails every single time at 12.5%. if I do a bunch of reads save them and open in HxD hex editor every single file has countless differences. Please help I have tried everything. im very sure the chips are making good contact and are good as i have installed them back into the gm e40 engine computer and it works fine.

I noticed on my adp-087 adaptor the top section is a adp-103 is this correct, all the online pictures seem to say adp-087 on the top adaptor?

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