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3 Posts |
Posted - 04/15/2016 : 11:31:43
Cant believe It’s only me that has found what seems to be a basic bug, however figured I would mention it to see what I haven’t set right!!
So – If I insert a 4 Meg eprom, and program it with an 8 Meg image it programs and Verifies fine?!??!?! How can it verify a 4 meg image on an 8 Meg chip – it would never have written fully in the first place as the chip storage isn’t physically big enough!!! (in this example, I am using an 8Meg image onto an M27C4001 Eprom….
Surely this cannot be correct¬¬¬ (Using software GQ USB Rel 7.07 on your GQ-4x4 programmer…)
Please could you advise – I’ve screwed up twice now, since my last programmer used to verify and Alert me when it didn’t fit, and if i get lazy and don't calculate the right chip size it's letting me burn them and send to friends happily... and then doesnt work!!
Thanks! Paul
Edited by - toibs on 04/15/2016 14:09:30
Reply #1
2947 Posts |
Posted - 04/18/2016 : 22:31:36
If you load the data file larger, then it will be truncated to EPROM size.
Reply #2

2 Posts |
Posted - 05/31/2016 : 22:20:42
I recently had very interesting result reading ST manufactured chip M95320W, which was not blank. I use GQ4x4 on Windows XP, latest software and all worked fine until I came to this issue. Chip read as blank! Many times over, re-insertion, double check connections, reboot, nothing helped. I used a different programmer and was able to finally extract the code from it. Very upsetting and worrisome issue. Has anyone seen similar before? |
SIG nature |
Reply #3
2947 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2016 : 20:50:40
I tested it works fine.
One thing you can try is to select totally different chip, such as a PIC chip, and then select your chip again.
This will force the software to update the algorithm firmware. And you should receive a message: Configuration updated!
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