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 Defective ADP-015 adapter?
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Posted - 10/21/2017 :  08:59:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was trying to read an Intel 8051AH mask ROM, using the GQ-4x4 and the ADP-015 adapter. (I realize this is technically an unsupported IC, but hear me out.) At first, I thought I could use one of the AT89S51 or AT89C51 variants without the ADP-015, but none of them worked. I checked the devices.txt and found the AT89S53 with ADP-015 adapter support. I tried this, and found I could read the chip but each 256 byte block was replicated. Further digging showed that pin 21 on the ADP-015 40 pin ZIF socket was being driven high (like ~8V!) during the read operation. This resulted in a read with the address line A8 stuck high. I am assuming I have a bad ADP-015 adapter, is there any way to verify this? I ended up successfully reading the image by doing two dumps with pin 21 disconnected from the reader, and manually forcing that pin on the chip high and low, and merging the two dumps with a program.

Long story short, should 40-pin zif pin 21 be held to 8V on the ADP-015 when using AT89S53 mode, or is my adapter defective?
Reply #1


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Posted - 10/25/2017 :  18:43:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well...I ended up finding a teeny solder blob on one leg of the NPN on the ADP-015, and scraped it off. Now it works perfectly!

For those who want to read a vanilla Intel 8051 (Mine was a P8051AH)...Use the ADP-015 and the settings for the Atmel AT89S53. The image will be 12K instead of 4K though. Alternatively, you can create a new line in devices.txt by copying the AT89S53 settings, but set the CodeSize parameter to 4096

Here is mine:
Name="Intel 8051(ReadOnly)",ID="XXXX",Class="AT89S53",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",Adapter="ADP-015 MCS-51",CodeSize="4096"; 4K Code size

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2579 Posts

Posted - 11/17/2017 :  08:20:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by palazzol

Well...I ended up finding a teeny solder blob on one leg of the NPN on the ADP-015, and scraped it off. Now it works perfectly!

For those who want to read a vanilla Intel 8051 (Mine was a P8051AH)...Use the ADP-015 and the settings for the Atmel AT89S53. The image will be 12K instead of 4K though. Alternatively, you can create a new line in devices.txt by copying the AT89S53 settings, but set the CodeSize parameter to 4096

Here is mine:
Name="Intel 8051(ReadOnly)",ID="XXXX",Class="AT89S53",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",Adapter="ADP-015 MCS-51",CodeSize="4096"; 4K Code size

Thank you for the info palazzol.
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