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 problem with chip 64a1 Splatterhouse
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3 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  05:52:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Good evening community, I present to you about a problem that has been presented to me when I recorded this "custom" chip or security key of the jamma splatterhouse, it turns out that it is a subject that I have been investigated and well, I am a novice in this topic. dumpear roms, then encourage me to buy a chip recorder and encourage me to fix this wonderful jamma. The issue is that I realized that the chip that is failing is a "64a1", a Hitachi HD HD63701, then I bought a quartz chip to be able to re-record that rom, but when recording that rom, it shows me that message of error that I do not understand what it is? Now, seeing the theme of pages, in order to record that rom I need an HD63701VOC chip to record it, but the software of my GQ-4x4 does not offer that chip, but another one of HD6301Y0 of the Hitachi series, so my question is error appears because I am using a device (which offers my program) that does not correspond and I get that error message? Is there other software better than this? Or the error is from the file that is mcu extension? Thank you
Reply #1


2579 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  14:20:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kyoXIII

Good evening community, I present to you about a problem that has been presented to me when I recorded this "custom" chip or security key of the jamma splatterhouse, it turns out that it is a subject that I have been investigated and well, I am a novice in this topic. dumpear roms, then encourage me to buy a chip recorder and encourage me to fix this wonderful jamma. The issue is that I realized that the chip that is failing is a "64a1", a Hitachi HD HD63701, then I bought a quartz chip to be able to re-record that rom, but when recording that rom, it shows me that message of error that I do not understand what it is? Now, seeing the theme of pages, in order to record that rom I need an HD63701VOC chip to record it, but the software of my GQ-4x4 does not offer that chip, but another one of HD6301Y0 of the Hitachi series, so my question is error appears because I am using a device (which offers my program) that does not correspond and I get that error message? Is there other software better than this? Or the error is from the file that is mcu extension? Thank you

Welcome kyoXIII.

What is your error message?

Would you have the datasheet of the chip?
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Reply #2


3 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  15:28:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by kyoXIII

Good evening community, I present to you about a problem that has been presented to me when I recorded this "custom" chip or security key of the jamma splatterhouse, it turns out that it is a subject that I have been investigated and well, I am a novice in this topic. dumpear roms, then encourage me to buy a chip recorder and encourage me to fix this wonderful jamma. The issue is that I realized that the chip that is failing is a "64a1", a Hitachi HD HD63701, then I bought a quartz chip to be able to re-record that rom, but when recording that rom, it shows me that message of error that I do not understand what it is? Now, seeing the theme of pages, in order to record that rom I need an HD63701VOC chip to record it, but the software of my GQ-4x4 does not offer that chip, but another one of HD6301Y0 of the Hitachi series, so my question is error appears because I am using a device (which offers my program) that does not correspond and I get that error message? Is there other software better than this? Or the error is from the file that is mcu extension? Thank you

Welcome kyoXIII.

What is your error message?

Would you have the datasheet of the chip?

the message says write failed, address =0X000000, Buffer =0X43 Device = 0xFF, and i think it's older, because the news usb programmer not supported this chip
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Reply #3


2945 Posts

Posted - 07/28/2018 :  08:52:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

This chip is CPU chip and it needs a special adapter to map the pin.
Currently there is no adapter for it.

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