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 Code changes after burning into E-prom
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Posted - 05/05/2020 :  15:15:41  Show Profile
Hi Guys
New to using a GQ 4x4 software version 7.25

Burner is setup to the E-proms I am using as a NM27C512 (National)

Using new E-proms, verfied it is blank
Load the content code bin file that comes out of a GM ECM E-prom and know it is good as a ECM tuning software tool shows all functions of that content is correct

With that code loaded into the burner software and new E-prom into the programmer box I have it burn and then verify and says OK

I then read that new E-prom and then save it as a different name ( is a bin file)

Then using the tuning tool load that file and now many of the values are now different as tuning tool has a compare function so I campaired the orginal bin contents to the contents read from new E-prom that was burned with that bin contents

Tried this on 3 new NM27C512 E-proms and get same results of some contents different then the original bin file loded into the burner

What is wrong ?

What is a fix or how to resolve ?
Is some setting in GQ wrong ?

I had used a Chipmax burned for 20 years and always worked correctly until it went bad and why I bought this GQ-4x4

Why after the burn and I do a verify and shows no problem but contents really are chamged, is loading the bin file into the GQ software causing the problem or is something not set for burning correctly even though the GQ software says it is for the correct E-prom type ?

Thanks for helping me !

JR Team ZR-1
Reply #1


2579 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  19:12:40  Show Profile
Originally posted by teamzr1

Hi Guys
New to using a GQ 4x4 software version 7.25

Burner is setup to the E-proms I am using as a NM27C512 (National)

Using new E-proms, verfied it is blank
Load the content code bin file that comes out of a GM ECM E-prom and know it is good as a ECM tuning software tool shows all functions of that content is correct

With that code loaded into the burner software and new E-prom into the programmer box I have it burn and then verify and says OK

I then read that new E-prom and then save it as a different name ( is a bin file)

Then using the tuning tool load that file and now many of the values are now different as tuning tool has a compare function so I campaired the orginal bin contents to the contents read from new E-prom that was burned with that bin contents

Tried this on 3 new NM27C512 E-proms and get same results of some contents different then the original bin file loded into the burner

What is wrong ?

What is a fix or how to resolve ?
Is some setting in GQ wrong ?

I had used a Chipmax burned for 20 years and always worked correctly until it went bad and why I bought this GQ-4x4

Why after the burn and I do a verify and shows no problem but contents really are chamged, is loading the bin file into the GQ software causing the problem or is something not set for burning correctly even though the GQ software says it is for the correct E-prom type ?

Thanks for helping me !

Where did you get those new NM27C512?
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