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 Help to add device chip windbond w39v040zpc
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2 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2022 :  02:59:48  Show Profile
Hello good, I need to know how to add chip winbond w39v040zpc 4605292009 622GAFA and chip PMC 1123 Pm49FLOO4T-33JCE to devices in willem programmer GQ-4X, I have the plcc32/32 adapter for a 32-pin bios chip, I don't know how to add the chips in a devices text willem.
Please, could you help me add this chips to devices to be able to program it, thank you very much.
I guess it will be similar to add both chips to willem programmer devices, but I don't know how to do it, I would really appreciate your help.
Your willem programmer is wonderful, I always recommend him.

a greeting.

Reply #1


2582 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2022 :  05:34:58  Show Profile
Originally posted by Pikolo42

Hello good, I need to know how to add chip winbond w39v040zpc 4605292009 622GAFA and chip PMC 1123 Pm49FLOO4T-33JCE to devices in willem programmer GQ-4X, I have the plcc32/32 adapter for a 32-pin bios chip, I don't know how to add the chips in a devices text willem.
Please, could you help me add this chips to devices to be able to program it, thank you very much.
I guess it will be similar to add both chips to willem programmer devices, but I don't know how to do it, I would really appreciate your help.
Your willem programmer is wonderful, I always recommend him.

a greeting.

You need to lookup the size and voltage in the datasheet.
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Reply #2


2 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2022 :  19:39:27  Show Profile

Hello, thanks for answering.
I was a former user, cyrax.
The datasheets are added in devices.
I have opened a new account because I had phishing problems.
I suffered a cerebral thrombus years ago.
Well, the problem is that I don't have the necessary adapter to be able to do it.
I was trying with a PLCC32/32 adapter, but it doesn't work.
I need another adapter that I don't know what it is.
Thank you anyway.
But if you can tell me what adapter I need I would be grateful.
I suffer from memory loss, I found my old post:
But I don't know where to get this adapter.
In the old post you explained everything to me very well, but I don't know where to get this adapter.
Could you send me a link to buy the necessary adapter?
As I have told you I suffer from memory loss, now I have recovered a little after several years.
Anyway thank you very much.
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Reply #3


2582 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2022 :  06:06:39  Show Profile
Originally posted by Pikolo42

Hello, thanks for answering.
I was a former user, cyrax.
The datasheets are added in devices.
I have opened a new account because I had phishing problems.
I suffered a cerebral thrombus years ago.
Well, the problem is that I don't have the necessary adapter to be able to do it.
I was trying with a PLCC32/32 adapter, but it doesn't work.
I need another adapter that I don't know what it is.
Thank you anyway.
But if you can tell me what adapter I need I would be grateful.
I suffer from memory loss, I found my old post:
But I don't know where to get this adapter.
In the old post you explained everything to me very well, but I don't know where to get this adapter.
Could you send me a link to buy the necessary adapter?
As I have told you I suffer from memory loss, now I have recovered a little after several years.
Anyway thank you very much.
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