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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Win11 update - GQ-4x4 3.0 Driver issue
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Posted - 03/07/2023 :  14:50:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello, I've never had any issues with my GQ-4x4, using the 3.0 Win10 driver on Windows 11, and been fine for a long time.. but after a recent update, I noticed it is no longer able to detect the device.

I tested on a Windows 10 machine with no issues. I just wanted to see if anyone else had traced the particular problem, or had a solution if there were affected by this 03/2023 Win 11 update that may have impacted USB.

Thank you-
Reply #1


2579 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2023 :  06:48:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ko

Hello, I've never had any issues with my GQ-4x4, using the 3.0 Win10 driver on Windows 11, and been fine for a long time.. but after a recent update, I noticed it is no longer able to detect the device.

I tested on a Windows 10 machine with no issues. I just wanted to see if anyone else had traced the particular problem, or had a solution if there were affected by this 03/2023 Win 11 update that may have impacted USB.

Thank you-

May be related to this?
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Reply #2


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Posted - 03/08/2023 :  19:05:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for this. I did come across that, and had tried that but it was not working originally.

I decided to try again while messing with my connection, and it decided to initialize. Now it seems to be functioning fine and starts up with the internet connection available.

Anyway, happy to report I can use this again. Still don't really understand the issue, as it was functioning fine under Win 11 for some time, and just one day after a smaller update, it just stopped.
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Reply #3


2579 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2023 :  08:02:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ko

Thank you for this. I did come across that, and had tried that but it was not working originally.

I decided to try again while messing with my connection, and it decided to initialize. Now it seems to be functioning fine and starts up with the internet connection available.

Anyway, happy to report I can use this again. Still don't really understand the issue, as it was functioning fine under Win 11 for some time, and just one day after a smaller update, it just stopped.

Updates are like that, they fix something you didn't know wasn't working while they break everything around.
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