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 Programming Kit for 27C512 chip
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Posted - 11/05/2023 :  08:43:43  Show Profile
HI I am a tuner for remapping stock ECU's but very new to the BIOS chip tuning side of things.

I am wanting to reprogram a range of early model Hyundai ECU's which use the 27C512 chip set. Below is the information I have to date on the units (From various model ecu's they are fitted to)

TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLX56A3FRP - 6S223F - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB) - M27C512-15XC1 / 27C512-15XC1 / 27C512 / ST EPROM
TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLX56A3FRP - 6S021G - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB)
TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLX56A3FRP - 6S152 (028) - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB)
TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLXBA4ENP - 92132G (053) - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB)

Could I please be shown exactly which model universal programmer kit and adapters I need to enable me to do the reading / writing.

Additionally confirmation of what replacement chips I can use and where I can purchase them from. I researched what I found are some chips from various suppliers, but before i order anything I am wanting to make sure I both understand and order the correct parts.

Final question - is there a way I can do any form of tuning on a car with this system - setup some form of adapter onto a doner ECU to enable me to run the car, check logs, write straight to the ecu whilst connected to the car and then continue until I have completed the tune. Then do a final write and transfer the chip to the customers ECU permanently?

Thank you very much for your help - if there are any experienced people in Australia, I would love to talk to you and be more informed on this process.

I found most of my information from the following link which may provide more information on the ECU's I am wanting to retune

Thanks in advance.

Reply #1


2579 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2023 :  07:18:01  Show Profile
Originally posted by Mitsiman

HI I am a tuner for remapping stock ECU's but very new to the BIOS chip tuning side of things.

I am wanting to reprogram a range of early model Hyundai ECU's which use the 27C512 chip set. Below is the information I have to date on the units (From various model ecu's they are fitted to)

TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLX56A3FRP - 6S223F - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB) - M27C512-15XC1 / 27C512-15XC1 / 27C512 / ST EPROM
TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLX56A3FRP - 6S021G - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB)
TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLX56A3FRP - 6S152 (028) - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB)
TI-15FMT - B 58 550 - BLXBA4ENP - 92132G (053) - PLCC32 - 27C512 (64KB)

Could I please be shown exactly which model universal programmer kit and adapters I need to enable me to do the reading / writing.

Additionally confirmation of what replacement chips I can use and where I can purchase them from. I researched what I found are some chips from various suppliers, but before i order anything I am wanting to make sure I both understand and order the correct parts.

Final question - is there a way I can do any form of tuning on a car with this system - setup some form of adapter onto a doner ECU to enable me to run the car, check logs, write straight to the ecu whilst connected to the car and then continue until I have completed the tune. Then do a final write and transfer the chip to the customers ECU permanently?

Thank you very much for your help - if there are any experienced people in Australia, I would love to talk to you and be more informed on this process.

I found most of my information from the following link which may provide more information on the ECU's I am wanting to retune

Thanks in advance.

For your final question you need an emulator.
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Reply #2


4 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2023 :  23:45:37  Show Profile
Thank you for that information it aided a lot.

I have ordered the programming unit and am working on ordering the chips now.

In relation to the emulator can you provide more information on this, what do I need to purchase etc. I only a have vague idea of how to do this at this point in time.

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Reply #3


4 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2023 :  23:48:35  Show Profile
IS this what you mean - its what I sort of had in my head

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Reply #4


2579 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2023 :  08:50:12  Show Profile
Originally posted by Mitsiman

IS this what you mean - its what I sort of had in my head
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Reply #5


4 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2023 :  17:55:52  Show Profile
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Mitsiman

IS this what you mean - its what I sort of had in my head

Thank you very much that explains things I will order that and get the ball rolling. Starting to get excited about what we can do now
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