1 Posts |
Posted - 10/01/2008 : 09:11:38
Hi to all
I Bought in e-bay last week this USB Pic Programmer with ICSP connections pins in the left corner
I try in XP SP2, Vista 32 & 64 and i can't write in the chip's
By using the software that is mencioned on the outside of the product, i've some problems :
1º after install the drivers with sucess (i think!!!)
i've connected the programmer to the USB port and when i lauch USBPICPrg.exe i've got this screen
but work's after press OK button.
I used this image to follow the way of putting the chip in the ZIF Socket
2º then i click in the ERASE BUTTON and execute an ERASE CHECK and ERASE CHIP. It look like that it's working in the end, but all time i've got this messages:
"The programmer does not recognize the [16F628A] processor"
"The programmer does not recognize the [12F629] processor" (the bonus chip that came with the programmer).
i click YES, but the final message of sucess of erasing was only in 16F628A ("Chip has been erased")
in 12F629 i get the message "error writing new BandGap"
3º I load the 2 diferent hex code for 16F628A and 12F629, and i try to write one of the time, but
"Received data error. About to apply reset..." and nothing is write on the chip
This is my configuration of FUSES for the 16F628A
This is chip ID that i get in the 16F628A
The hex code
******************************************************************** 12F629 -> h**p:// ********************************************************************
******************************************************************** 16F628A -> h**p:// ********************************************************************
![](icon_smile_disapprove.gif) ![](icon_smile_disapprove.gif) Can anybody please help me!![![](icon_smile_disapprove.gif) ![](icon_smile_disapprove.gif) ![](icon_smile_disapprove.gif)
Nikko |