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 Using the AVR JTAG ICE and AVRISP ISP programmer
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Posted - 12/15/2008 :  14:08:11  Show Profile
AVR JTAG ICE AVRISP ISP Programmer Emulator 4 ATMEL V2

My friend purchased this device from eBay about
11 months ago and we really haven't used except when it
initially arrived, the device was functioning fine.
We decided to use the device again last night after almost
a year and been having lots of problems.

We've changed computers and we're not totally
sure which drivers we installed to get it working originally
but now we've been having nothing but trouble
getting a connection.

We tried it on 3 systems, 1 brand new laptop, a desktop and
an older laptop. The original disk with the drivers doesn't
have a very good description of 'which' drivers to install.
I counted 4 different drivers on the disk:

CP210x (directory)
CP210x_VCP_Win2k_XP_S2K3.exe (root)
USB Driver PL2303.exe

Which is the correct driver for the device listed above?

We tried all possible combinations with and without the
ATMEL AVR Studio drivers and changing COM port to within
the 1 to 4 range...

When plugged in the target (but not the USB) the BLUE LED is on.
When hooked up to the USB port the RED LED is on as well.
All LED are SOLID (not flashing). As soon as I attempt to connect
using AVR studio (selecting the appropriate port) the
RED LED turns off and the dialog reappears. BLUE is still solid.

We've tried everything to get it to there a method to
upgrade the firmware on this device? Is there newer firmware? Any way to check to see if the programmer is functioning correctly?
And last question is the TINY85 supported with this programmer (I didn't see it in the list)?

Toronto, Ontario

Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 12/16/2008 :  23:14:20  Show Profile
There are two type of USB-RS232 chips been used on the programmer. So, you can open the cover and check it.

Check the Device Manager from your windows control pannel and see if the programmer is recognized by window. The device manager also shows the comport number been assigned to the programer.

If your device manager does not recogonize the programmer, then the "?" is beside the device item. In this case you have to click on the property and reinstall the driver manually.

The firmware should work on all version AVR Studio.

Once the programmer connected, check the device list in the AVR Studio see the ATTINY85 is listed there.
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