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 Willem 2009-BIOS problems
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Posted - 08/09/2009 :  15:50:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just got a Willems 2009-BIOS, about the only identification I can locate, here it is,

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I'm using XP Pro w/SP3, have the registry polling fix installed, and am using a 12v 300ma adapter instead of the USB power. I got 0.98D9 with it, it doesn't work, I have been trying 0.97ja, I got it to read a chip and verify without any errors only once. It comes back with a verify error right off, usually withing the first line of code in the buffer screen. I haven't been able to locate any documentation for this unit, but have put together a few things as far as the jumper settings go from some other versions i"ve located. It seems it should be able to read without to much problem, but it appears to me that it is a parallel port issue, as the code reads a series of FF's every once in a while in the buffer screen, indicating the port is not reading continuously as it reads the chip, I've tried some different chips, 27c020, 27256, 27c512. Same issue with all of them. If anybody has any info or links to any, I would sure appreciate it, I've been seeing these same issues quite a bit on numerous forums.

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Posted - 08/09/2009 :  18:25:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Back again!
Well, I got it to read, then compare, but only with a 27c512 chip, an old AMI BIOS chip, I tried it with a 27c256 and it still gets this wacko FF pattern that moves around when you do a read over a few times, like the parallel port polling problem. The only thing I changed was the DIP-Switch settings, I also checked the switches to be sure the switch was ok, I saw some people were having to replace the DIP-Switch on their cards. I set them to the positions referenced on the diagram in the DEVICE folder. I've checked the jumper settings, I referenced them to some other drawings I found that were very similar and the default positions were all ok there, for the read any way.
Does anyone have the functions described for the DIP-Switch positions, I've seen a few things people were mentioning, but couldn't quite figure out what they were saying.
Well, back to more testing and searching for more info on these Wonderful Willem's!

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