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 22V10 GAL and TOP 2007: so close, so far away
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Posted - 12/31/2007 :  22:00:00  Show Profile
I recently bought a TOP 2007 programmer from MCUMall off of eBay, specifically because it claimed to support GAL programming. I haven't seen many other low-cost programmers that support GALs.

I tried to program some Lattice 22V10D GALs using the TOP 2007. At first, it seemed to work, and the software reported that programming was successful. But after reading the data back from the GAL and comparing it to the original JEDEC file, I discovered that everything had been programmed correctly EXCEPT for the last 84 bits, which contain the output pin configuration data and the UES (user electronic signature). The pin configuration data is always programmed as all 0's, and the UES is all 1's. I don't really care about the UES, but without the ability to program the output pin configuration, I can't control whether the I/O pins are inputs, registered outputs, combinatorial outputs, inverted, etc.

This is so close to working that I'm wondering if it's a problem on my end somehow, or with the way I'm using the software. I went so far as to scour the Lattice 22V10D data sheet, see how all the fuses are configured, and compare every single bit from my JEDEC file to the datasheet to make sure it was correct, given my design. It was.

Has anyone successfully programmed a 22V10 GAL using the TOP2007? Or know of another low-cost programmer that will work with a 22V10 GAL? This is very frustrating, since the whole reason I selected the TOP 2007 was because it claimed to support the 22V10.

Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 01/01/2008 :  22:31:22  Show Profile
It seems there is software bug.

The VP180, VP280, EasyPro90B will support GAL chip too. Please download those software and confirm the software.
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Reply #2


2 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2008 :  07:27:15  Show Profile
Thanks for the reply. I'm unsure what you mean by "confirm the software", however. The software for those other programmers won't work with the TOP 2007, will they?
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Reply #3


2945 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2008 :  11:02:57  Show Profile
Those software do not work with TOP2007. I mean you can download those software and check if those GAL chips are listed in the software. For the TOP2007, you may return it for exchange to those brand.
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