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Posted - 02/19/2008 :  19:01:49  Show Profile
Has anyone managed to hack the TOP 2048, or other family members? These are nice little programmers but they are also somewhat limited. For instance, I want to program an Intel 5C032 PLC. I am 99.9% sure that the programmer could do this if I could figure out how to reconfigure the pins and provide the timing protocols. Obviously this is done inside the device library and I would just like to "open it up" so to speak.

In addition, this programmer would make an *excellent* tool for exercising chips. For instance, I am trying to backup the chips for an aging machine tool that is using the 5C032 PLC. This device is based on an EPROM and I am afraid it will lose states because there are no physically burned fuses in the map. I would like to write a program that exercises the chip, effectively reverse engineering the PLC. But doing this requires access to the TOP API. Clearly the programmer is capable of the task and I would like to use it...

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?

Reply #1


United Kingdom
2 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2008 :  22:57:11  Show Profile
I have the TOP2005 programmer and the 2048 library comes on the software disc. The device2048.LST is an ascci file (open with notepad), editing this file will add devices to the "pick list". I have tried adding a PIC16F87 as it was already in the list but commented out. Unfortunatly there appears to be more device specific info other than the .LST file.
The first entry of the line is the device type followed by the manufacturer then the actual device. The next entry appers to refer to another reference which i guess is in the executable program as there are no other files on the CD i can trace it to.
A little more detective work is needed to see if by picking an entry from a similar device enough info is available to completey configure the software for your new device.
Best of luck!!

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