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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4X4 USB question
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Posted - 08/03/2024 :  19:53:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Looks like my original GQ-4X has quit on me and will not burn anything. I've had it for about 10 years and it's been generally pretty reliable, but now whenever I try to write to any chip at all, it just hangs and then gives an error message after maybe 30 seconds or so.

I opened it up, and nothing seems to be amiss inside.

So I think I'll need to buy a new one.

Question: I am using the GQ-4X with an old computer running Windows Vista with USB 2.0. Will the new GX-4X4 that has a USB 3.0 driver work with this older system?

I'd like to know the above before I buy a new one is all.


Reply #1


2579 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2024 :  07:04:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkoolpe


Looks like my original GQ-4X has quit on me and will not burn anything. I've had it for about 10 years and it's been generally pretty reliable, but now whenever I try to write to any chip at all, it just hangs and then gives an error message after maybe 30 seconds or so.

I opened it up, and nothing seems to be amiss inside.

So I think I'll need to buy a new one.

Question: I am using the GQ-4X with an old computer running Windows Vista with USB 2.0. Will the new GX-4X4 that has a USB 3.0 driver work with this older system?

I'd like to know the above before I buy a new one is all.



Yes, it will.
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Reply #2


9 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2024 :  12:40:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks. I just ordered a new unit.

Wish I knew why my original quit, but I guess I got my usage out of it.
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Reply #3


2579 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2024 :  05:40:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkoolpe

Thanks. I just ordered a new unit.

Wish I knew why my original quit, but I guess I got my usage out of it.

Did you perform the hardware test?
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