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3 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2008 : 08:56:30
Can anyone help me connect my PIC16F690 to USB PIC Programmer that I just bought from MCU using ICSP? Do I just hardwire everything to the PIC on a breadboard and not using the ZIF slot? If yes, where do I connect LOW, Vpp and Vcc? Is Vcc the Positive supply and Vpp the negative? |
Reply #1
2947 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2008 : 10:52:40
First, the software need to set to the ICSP mode.
The ICSP is designed for programming the chip in circuit. So, if you have the target board with the ICSP header on it, then you can connect the ICSP headers between target board and the programmer.
If you do not have the target board, then you can connect the ICSP directly to the chip. OR you can use a universal adapter to do this.
The ICSP header pin out:
GND --- 0V negtive to chip pin 20 VSS VCC --- 5V positive to chip pin 1 VDD VPP --- 12V positive to chip pin 4 Vpp CLK --- 0V Clock pin to chip pin 18 ICSPCLK DAT --- 0V Data pin to chip pin 19 ICSPDAT
LOW ---- ignore this pin
Image Insert:
Reply #2

3 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2008 : 14:21:44
Thanks, I'll try it out!!! |
Reply #3

3 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2008 : 15:31:53
It finally worked! Thanks a lot for your help!!! |
Reply #4

1 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2013 : 13:37:29
What is the need for the programmer adapter USB PRO GQ-4X, which is programmed to PIC16F690 |
Chiptuning, DPF,FAP,EGR - Off |
Reply #5

5 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2013 : 17:56:06
yes! follow these process. I get success at last. Thank you very much! |
Reply #6

3 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2016 : 22:48:18
When I through a Web site I found something in the last night£¬the something are weapons.The weapons are pretty cool that I want buy it.And the price I can accept£¬so I buy lots of weapons that I love£¬and when I need some weapons again£¬I will come here to buy again in the first time¡£Click at |
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