
Republic of Korea
1 Posts |
Posted - 01/06/2006 : 20:26:34
Hi all, I am new to pic programming. I have installed TOP 2005 yesterday.
I worked several pic mcus with successful result. But I have a problem with code protected mcu( I think it may be protected).
It is 16F84A, and programmed code is a simple electronic keyer for HAM made by one of ham friends who is not reachable now. The probelem is, It has a side tone output of 1000 Hz, and it is too high frequency for my use. So I want to change it to 500 or 600 Hz. I tried to read that mcu on top 2005. But the read data is only 00 or FF, meaning no data read.
If I press [read config] button, the return shows all check box is checked in [config] window box.
How can I read the program source and data from this mcu ?
I will make some code changes to fit my taste and I will use it for only my personal use. So any help will be greatly aprreciated.
Dongil Park, M.D.
Edited by - dipark on 01/06/2006 20:28:31