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 PIC Programmer
 JDM only allows 16F648A programming once
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Posted - 04/05/2009 :  19:52:00  Show Profile
I tried my first programming today, using a 16F648A chip. The programming was successful, and the LED on my test board lit. I then wanted to modify the code to blink the LED, and I erased the PIC and reprogrammed it. The test board LED didn't blink, but now I can't reprogram the PIC as it isn't detected?

I then tried with a second 648A, programmed once with the new code, then the programmer can't see it again.

Can there be something in the code that stops the JDM from being able to see the chip? Sometimes the PWR led flashes on the programmer when I insert the chip, but usually it just lights, and I get errors that the PIC can't be detected.

I can still detect my third 648A chip, but I don't want to program it and have all 3 now be useless.

Any ideas?
Reply #1


2 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2009 :  19:54:32  Show Profile
The blinking of the PWR LED appears to be at the same interval the LED was supposed to blink on my test board, if that has any bearing on the issue.
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Reply #2


2945 Posts

Posted - 04/06/2009 :  10:47:12  Show Profile
It seems the problem is related to the chip LVP fuse setting.

So, check the LVP bit in the configuration word. Set that bit to 0 before write the data into chip via JDM programmer.

Also, try to program the chip via ISCP header. Do not put the chip in the programmer socket.
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