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 Fault rates when re-programming
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11 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  11:31:17  Show Profile
Hi All

I'm having a really tough time reprogramming am29F010b-90jc ICs.

I have a stack of old working motherboards that I'm recycling the flash ICs from. These are working boards so the ICs are good.

I remove them using a professional IR station and the temp never goes above 175C. (melting temp of solder is 172 and most ICs can withstand 260 for a short time)

I then try to reprogram them using my new GQ-3X and although it says that they have been re-programmed properly only about 1 in ten works when placed onto the new motherboard which is socketed.

I'm lacking experience here, is this a normal failure rate? Is the heat used removing them destroying them? If so why does the 3X say they have been reprogrammed properly?

I'm beginning to think my new 3X is faulty.


Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  14:10:04  Show Profile
If the GQ-3X reports the device is programmed and verified, then the chip should be programmed correctly.

To program a chip, the correct steps are:

1. Connect the programmer to computer.
2. Start the software.
3. Select the device in software. Here is AM29F010B.
4. Load the .bin or .rom file. The file will be programmed in the chip.
5. Place the chip in the socket.
6. Click on the ID button from the software, the software should detect the chip correctly.
7. Erase the chip
8. Blank check the chip. The chip should blank.
9. Click on write button to program the chip.
10. Verify the chip and it should not report any error.

Then your chip is programmed correctly.
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Reply #2


11 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  16:02:25  Show Profile
That's what I've done, exactly!

Here's why I'm confused:

I have a motherboard with a socket for 32PLCC chip.

I take the IC out of the socket and put it in the 3X, I read it and save the file to my desktop.

I do the exact steps you laid out above and the programmer says that it's a copy of the original, it's verified.

I put it in the socket and try to boot the motherboard and it hangs.

I power down the motherboard remove the programmed IC and replace the original IC and when I power the motherboard it boots right up.

This tells me that the motherboard is not damaged, the socket is OK and the code in the original IC is OK.

The 3X is telling me that the programmed IC is a duplicate and yet it doesn't work.

I can't see any reason to blame anthing but the 3X.

Any ideas, anyone?, before I ask for a refund on this?


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Reply #3


11 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  16:07:27  Show Profile
Let me add some more data.

I looked at the lock on the original IC and none of the sectors were locked.

I thought that maybe there was not enough power from the USB cable so I powered the board with an external 12V power supply.

The 5V pin of the board reads 5V, the 3V pin reads 3.33V (on my voltmeter)

I've tried it at the slowest speed and with Double write.

I've tried saving the file I read from the good IC as a .bin file and as a .hex file

I resoldered all of the connections on the plcc32 adapter board.

None of these actions changed the results.

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Reply #4


2945 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2009 :  20:38:55  Show Profile
Can you verify the original chip with your saved data file on GQ-3X?

The data file you read from original chip and saved to you desktop, that should exactly same as your original chip.

So, open that file and ONLY do a verify on your working chip, that should be verified. If the original chip is verified, then place the copied chip and do a verify again.

If both ship are verified with same data file, but only the copy chip does not work. Then you need send back the programmer for check it up.

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Reply #5


11 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2009 :  18:06:35  Show Profile

I can verify both the original IC and the programmed IC against the same file but only the original IC will work in the board.

I've ordered a batch of new IC's that should be here later this week, I'll try again with them and see if I get a different result, if the result is the same I'll send it back for repair.

Thanks for your help!


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Reply #6


11 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2009 :  07:34:15  Show Profile
I got in a new batch of ICs and the success rate became much better. I programmed 16 ICs and 14 of them worked. I'm concluding that the original ICs were somehow bad.

Thanks for the help!


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