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 1.09 Prebuild review.
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104 Posts

Posted - 07/31/2017 :  20:06:11  Show Profile
I have pre prebuild 1.09 for test.
Copy the exe to your C:\Program Files (x86)\mcumall\GQBlaster
The changes are.
1. If the target is selected and detected, it will not try to print the possible target.
2. If new target is found and duplicate is found a dialog will popup and ask to select from the list. This is useful since more target will be available.
3. Add start block selection and size selection. This is for advanced user to bypass the boot block. This also provide the flexibility for user to program special area. This range selection applies to read,program,erase,smartcpy etc.

Please test this version and report bugs.

Rebuild on Aug 10 to fix the offset display of bad block while read back.

Download Attachment:
Reply #1


152 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2017 :  10:24:41  Show Profile
Hello, You could explain this update in more detail.
What we get with this versiуn.
I finish recording a new k9gag08 con 1.09, there is no difference. In the firmware in the first blocks there is no data.
I comment that the TV works correctly, even with several bad sectors.
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Reply #2


104 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2017 :  16:36:27  Show Profile
I have stated in the initial post of the changes. If you find any bugs please let me know.
Do you speak English? If so I can call you can discuss what you have found.
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Reply #3


104 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2017 :  16:37:46  Show Profile
eduardo48, Can you send me the your file with original flash and target flash so I can take a look and analyze.
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Reply #4


152 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2017 :  18:56:01  Show Profile
I do not speak english, I can only read
I will upload google drive an original file not placed on tv (clean), and a file after being placed on tv ,, for you to see the changes generated by the firmware that is on the other nand.
Fue leida con versiуn 1.03
Modelo unxx5500 creo tambiйn los UExx5500
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Reply #5


152 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  04:57:48  Show Profile
Esta es con definiciуn 86d00000, al insertarla por primera ves en el tv, se reinicia.
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Reply #6


152 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  05:02:14  Show Profile
Sin insertar en tv con definiciуn 88a7d700
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Reply #7


152 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  05:04:38  Show Profile
Later I upload written by the tv
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Reply #8


152 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  15:55:53  Show Profile nand erase. nand programada nand colocada en tv sin actualizar Smart, es escrita por el firmware, funciona ok
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Reply #9


104 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  17:54:58  Show Profile
What is the chip K9GAG08U0D (size = 86d00000h) or K9GAG08U0E(size = 88A7D800h)

I found the file unxxd55000 - 88a7d800.bin is larger than rest of the files.
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Reply #10


152 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  19:12:49  Show Profile
Yes, I'm commenting only on k9gag08uoe.
This value was generated by MCUmall a few years ago, so I use 86d00000 until today, This does not hurt the operation, because beyond that value there is no data.
The correct value is 88a7d800, so go up both.
You can see that the bin is the same, only the 88a7d800 is longer, but I repeat there is no data beyond 86d00000, unxx5500 works ok.
I hope you understand me, google translate does not understand me
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Reply #11


152 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  19:18:46  Show Profile

I use it, but the correct is 88a7d800
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Reply #12


104 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  20:06:52  Show Profile

Please use NAND.txt. This is already fixed in my build.

Please use this text and try again.

I found at address of 0x1f55800 of file UNXXD5500-VERSION 1.03-86D00000. It says FAT32.

Which is great news. If it is FAT 32, then we should be able to use third party tool to generate target based on the new bad block.

Please upload files again to see if I can find some tools to do something with it.
[b]Download Attachment:[/b] [br]
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Reply #13


104 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2017 :  22:32:29  Show Profile
h**p:// anyone know which one is for the popular TV?
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Reply #14


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  04:34:10  Show Profile
You need to send a new erased and recorded nand ?. If this is what you need, I upload it later
The original file is the one I uploaded, use the one that was cloned with 88a7d8000.
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Reply #15


462 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  06:37:37  Show Profile
Originally posted by GQ5XSupport

h**p:// anyone know which one is for the popular TV?

Those are more recent models.
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Reply #16


104 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  07:54:19  Show Profile
eduardo48, Please use the new Nand.TXT and do the same thing. You did not put your original definition for 88a7d8000 so I need you to read again.
Size is just one thing, the sector size and block size is also important. Otherwise the data might not be right.
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Reply #17


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  08:20:18  Show Profile
Ok I modify, and I go up again.
I see an error in versiуn 1.09, long memory when no warning is incorrect.
The version 1.08 if with this note (Build bad block table for source chip (file), Size does not match)
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Reply #18


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  08:58:20  Show Profile
One question, because the gq5x assumes that the zeros in the source file are bad blocks. The tv programmer could mark as zero for some reason.

Copyright (C) 2014-2018
GQBlaster 1.09 prebuild
Target: K9GAG08UOE
CE Pin = 1
Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:01 (.083)
Target bad block No. 65
Target bad block No. 509
Target bad block No. 721
Target bad block No. 1280
Target bad block No. 1583
Target bad block No. 2019
Target bad block No. 2074
C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/unxxd55000 - 88a7d800.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1921
Source bad block No. 1962
Source bad block No. 2037
Source bad block No. 2073
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
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Reply #19


104 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  09:04:06  Show Profile
Can you read back the file? The 00 marked as bad block is defined in NAND document. I can check to see if it is true bad block or not. Again you must read using new NANN.txt. Older definition might be wrong.
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Reply #20


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  09:16:01  Show Profile
Yes, I go all upload more later
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Reply #21


23 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  09:27:16  Show Profile
Originally posted by GQ5XSupport

Can you read back the file? The 00 marked as bad block is defined in NAND document. I can check to see if it is true bad block or not. Again you must read using new NANN.txt. Older definition might be wrong.

Dear eduardo48,
Please read the DUMP again with the correct parameters. It is a really hot topic. Thanks.

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Reply #22


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  11:28:19  Show Profile
Thetan76, Estoy complicado con el trabajo, por hacerlo rбpido cometi error en el tipeo.
Segъn la versiуn del firmware que tenga el tv, puede reiniciar segundos despuйs del encendido, aqctualizar firmware online y luego actualizar las App Smart.
Te comento que algunas memorias con poco sectores malos pueden producir reinicios constantes, esto es falla de la memoria, no es del dump ni del programador
Este dump es para 88a7d800
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Reply #23


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  11:41:43  Show Profile
You can edit the source bin, blocks as bad (00) and pass to FF, I would test if it works.
This way we would have a completely good bin.
Possibly when they made the copy in Samsung Brazil, on a nand with bad blocks, these bad blocks were left in my file
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Reply #24


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  15:54:06  Show Profile
We are adding to the archive, supposedly bad blocks source, + bad blocks of the new nand.
I think but I'm not sure, in a bin the blocks with (00) should not be taken as block bad.
If erase and read a nand, here should skip these blocks.
The program should skip only the bad blocks of the destination nand ignoring the source.

C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/NAND ERASE.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 64
Source bad block No. 508
Source bad block No. 720
Source bad block No. 1279
Source bad block No. 1582
Source bad block No. 2018
Source bad block No. 2073
Time 00:03:02 (.586)
Flash blanked
C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/unxxd55000 - 88a7d800.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1921
Source bad block No. 1962
Source bad block No. 2037
Source bad block No. 2073
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Reply #25


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  17:04:50  Show Profile
I upload with definition Name="K9GAG08UOE",MFG="SAMSUNG",ID1="ech",ID2="d5h",ID3="84h",ID4="72h",ID5="50h",ID6="42h",size="88a7d800h",PageSize="21B4h",BlockSize="80h" bin source erase programada write for firmware the tv.. work ok, is with install app smart
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Reply #26


104 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  19:16:21  Show Profile
I load your unxxd55000 - 88a7d800.bin file and it shows three bad block. I check the data it should have three bad blocks.
Then NAND ERASE.bin shows 6 bad blocks.
I do not know the difference between PROGRAMADA.bin and WRITE FOR TV.bin. They looks the same to me. Please explain.

So far I think GQ5X does what it is designed for. The target chip has the data of the source chip (include the bad block data).
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Reply #27


152 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  19:49:55  Show Profile
PROGRAMADA is my (bin) when recording the nand con GQ5X
WRITE is to put it on the TV, this modifies o write data.
You can compare, it is easy and visible in the direction 00000000 to 00000800, and there are more.
They are not the same.
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Reply #28


104 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  20:33:10  Show Profile
TV will record data and this it is normal to allow TV to write data on it. I see TV is adding data to the first block.
Is this chip working on your TV?
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Reply #29


104 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 :  21:29:24  Show Profile
Looks like the first block is being formated with Samsung NAND file system. FSR STL.
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Reply #30


152 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  04:41:28  Show Profile
YES, record the first block always, possibly more, and it works ok. Sometimes in this process the TV reboot again.
It is another nand BGA that contains the firmware, which generates this process,
this bin can solve in unxx5500, believe too uexx5500.
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Reply #31


152 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  04:42:32  Show Profile
The nand bought in China have many bad blocks, from my experience 70% work well, some fail even though they have few bad blocks.
I have verified, original memories extracted from tv, with few bad blocks, when re-recording them, they do not work, I believe that in the fault of the nand there is something more than bad blocks
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Reply #32


152 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  04:44:16  Show Profile
You can recommend free software to edit these bin.
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Reply #33


104 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  05:12:17  Show Profile
If GQ 5x works. Why you need to edit the bin? This is data chip with partly FAT 32 file system. If the bad block exist in the FAT 32 area, the algorithm GQ 5X might not work.
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Reply #34


152 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  06:38:49  Show Profile
Because I am sure that in my (source bin) are the bad blocks of the nand, when it was recorded and then cloned by the gq5x
I want to correct this bin, all the blocks with 00 pass them to ff, I do not know if this would be possible
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Reply #35


104 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  07:35:13  Show Profile
This was done with 1.07 I think. But I think it is better to copy over the "bad" block to increase the success rate.
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Reply #36


462 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  08:26:45  Show Profile
Originally posted by eduardo48

You can recommend free software to edit these bin.

Easy to use also works in Windows 10.

More advanced but easier to screw up your files
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Reply #37


152 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2017 :  11:28:43  Show Profile
Ok, thanks in free time to try, if I succeed I upload the modified bin
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Reply #38


152 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2017 :  16:36:21  Show Profile
Why this happens, erase target, load source bin, read target, wrong block number is different, is less 1.

Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:03 (.274)
Target bad block No. 177
Target bad block No. 201
Target bad block No. 506
Target bad block No. 1544
Target bad block No. 1545
Target bad block No. 2074
C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/86D00000 88A7D8000 Loaded
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:06:29 (.139)
Time 00:03:29 (.521)
Source bad block No. 176
Source bad block No. 200
Source bad block No. 505
Source bad block No. 1543
Source bad block No. 1544
Source bad block No. 2073
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Reply #39


104 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2017 :  06:19:55  Show Profile
Please upload files (source,erased,programed) could be a bug. In the mean time I will check the source check for the bad block in the code latter today.
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Reply #40


152 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2017 :  16:44:13  Show Profile
I upload the files later, this is the result. As I insert a screen print
Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:03 (.353)
Target bad block No. 177
Target bad block No. 201
Target bad block No. 506
Target bad block No. 1544
Target bad block No. 1545
Target bad block No. 2074
Time 00:03:02 (.049)
Source bad block No. 176
Source bad block No. 200
Source bad block No. 505
Source bad block No. 1543
Source bad block No. 1544
Source bad block No. 2073
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:06:27 (.549)
Time 00:03:29 (.091)
Source bad block No. 176
Source bad block No. 177
Source bad block No. 200
Source bad block No. 201
Source bad block No. 505
Source bad block No. 506
Source bad block No. 1543
Source bad block No. 1544
Source bad block No. 1545
Source bad block No. 1546
Source bad block No. 2073
Source bad block No. 2074
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Reply #41


152 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2017 :  17:42:50  Show Profile (bin) (target erase) (target programado)
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Reply #42


104 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2017 :  17:57:45  Show Profile
I can reproduce this issue, I will soon upload a fix for it.
For the number it has one number off but the bad block table is correct.
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Reply #43


104 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2017 :  20:07:27  Show Profile
I have rebuild the 1.09 prebuild to fix the issue. Please download, try and report any issues.
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Reply #44


152 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2017 :  10:50:14  Show Profile
Este el que subi con definiciуn 86d00000 corregido a 88a7d800.reply 41. No uses el programado deja que el tv lo reprograme, cualquier cosa comentame. por la noche voy a probar, el support modifico el software, si anda todo bien lo comento.
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Reply #45


152 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2017 :  17:19:08  Show Profile
Fue una confusiуn que se genero al principio esto de 86d00000 y 88a7d800
funciona con 1.05 en copia directa, en 1.08 y 1.09 con Smart copy, hace tiempo que lo uso, esta muy probado.
Cuando colocas al tv una nand grabada con este bin (virgen) y el tv no esta actualizado es seguro que se reinicie, no asustarse por esto, ahi es donde se escribe el primer block, luego de este reinicio actualiza el firmware online y luego el Smart, esta es la parte mas critica si paso esta etapa la nand esta ok, igual hay que tenerlo en prueba no olvidemos que son chinas
Si no trabaja bien es problema de las nand y me parece que no es por bloques malos, tengo muchas nand con pocos bloques malos y no andan, compro en aliexpres a distintos vendedores tratando de buscar alguien que venda buenas, pero siempre de cada 10 3 o 4 me fallan la ultima tanda 5 de 10.
Yo no me pongo la camiseta por ningъn programador, he escuchado y visto videos que regraban la misma nand del tv y sale ok, bueno si yo no hago el proceso no lo creo, no tengo el programador tnm para probar asi que no lo creo, pero te puedo decir que algunas usadas programe y andan perfecto pero no las entrego a mis clientes.
Ahora mismo estoy usando una usada que fallo a un cliente y la recupere, los archivos que subi en la reply 41 estбn con esta nand recuperada.
..........No me molesta en lo que te pueda ayudar estoy, lo poco que se de nand lo aprendi desde que compre gq5x....Saludos.
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Reply #46


152 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2017 :  18:21:44  Show Profile
Fix ok, prueba tv ok.
CE Pin = 1
Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:01 (.085)
Target bad block No. 177
Target bad block No. 201
Target bad block No. 506
Target bad block No. 1544
Target bad block No. 1545
Target bad block No. 2074
C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/k9gag08uoe-88A7D8000 Loaded
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:06:28 (.781)
Time 00:03:29 (.675)
Source bad block No. 177
Source bad block No. 201
Source bad block No. 506
Source bad block No. 1544
Source bad block No. 1545
Source bad block No. 2074
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Reply #47


104 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2017 :  09:00:10  Show Profile
I have build a 1.09 one more.
Changes are.
1. Add second row of tool bar for someone with smaller display (laptop) to access the advanced features. Smart copy, start block, end block etc.
2. Add option to allow not copy the badblock from the source. (Default it is checked). If it is not checked, then bad block on the source will be skipped.

Please try and report any issues.
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Reply #48


152 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2017 :  09:36:39  Show Profile
Mira el tema es asi, el firmware esta grabado en la nand ic1301 kfg1gng, en la nand ic1302 k9gag08uoe se carga las app de Smart, ambas interactъan, vos podes no actualizar el firmware que si no fue actualizado puede tener la versiуn 1011 o 1012 si lo actualizas la ultima es la 1017, pero si el cliente usa Smart te va a pedir actualizar porque el tv se conecta al servidor de Samsung, por ejemplo ahora el 1 de julio YouTube dejo de funcionar entonces se borra la aplicaciуn y asi ocurre con todas las aplicaciones que sacan o agregan.
Ahora porque yo recomiendo grabar la nand con el bin sin actualizar, el bin que subi tiene menos datos, cuando vos cargar Smart en una nand nueva con todo cargado hay mas datos, entonces al escribir esta nand con bloques defectuosos el software maneja vas informaciуn para saltar los bloques malos es solo por esto, vos podes hacerlo como vos decis va a funcionar igual.
Yo de dejo que el firmawre del tv acomode las app posiblemente vea los bloques malos esto no lo se.
Tengo una nand con 26 bloques malos y funciona, esta nand tiene 2076 bloques, en porcentaje es poco a casi nada, el problema es hasta donde se banca el sistema del tv mover sus datos.
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Reply #49


152 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2017 :  14:51:11  Show Profile
Copying bad block ok, no tilde, progress bar is blue 100% is stopped.
Copyright (C) 2014-2018
GQBlaster 1.09 prebuild
Target: K9GAG08U0E
CE Pin = 1
Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:03 (.365)
Target bad block No. 177
Target bad block No. 201
Target bad block No. 506
Target bad block No. 1544
Target bad block No. 1545
Target bad block No. 2074
C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/unxxd55000 - 88a7d800.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1922
Source bad block No. 1963
Source bad block No. 2038
Source bad block No. 2074
Create temporary file
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Reply #50


104 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2017 :  15:13:17  Show Profile
eduardo48, Does it work or not?
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Reply #51


104 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2017 :  16:06:23  Show Profile
OK. I found an issue. Will try to fix it latter.
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Reply #52


26 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2017 :  19:58:15  Show Profile
Gracias Eduardo.
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Reply #53


104 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2017 :  10:26:22  Show Profile
I just made change. Prebuild3 is uploaded.
In this build I also changed slightly the smart copy algo hope this can improve the success rate for TV repair.
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Reply #54


152 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2017 :  15:26:44  Show Profile
Otra nand primera prueba OK. Esta no probada en tv
Sin grabar malos bloques

Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:06 (.385)
E:/NAND/JVC-LT46DR935-H27U4G8F2DTR.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1083
Source bad block No. 1084
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:01:10 (.125)
Time 00:00:49 (.827)

Grabando bloques malos.

Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:06 (.436)
E:/NAND/JVC-LT46DR935-H27U4G8F2DTR.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1083
Source bad block No. 1084
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:01:10 (.228)
Time 00:00:49 (.846)
Source bad block No. 1083
Source bad block No. 1084
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Reply #55


152 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2017 :  15:37:15  Show Profile
Look at these bad blocks to make sweet, not tested on tv, the correction looks good.
One question, the software places FF value on the bad block.
CE Pin = 1
Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:06 (.209)
E:/NAND/LG-32LK450-H27U4G8F2DTR.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1
Source bad block No. 4096
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:01:00 (.823)
Time 00:00:49 (.870)
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Reply #56


152 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2017 :  15:41:22  Show Profile
parece que pase de largo.. este bin es un backup que hice hace tiempo, no se si funciona en tv, posiblemente en el futuro lo pruebe, ahora voy por la k9gag08ue
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Reply #57


152 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2017 :  16:48:58  Show Profile
Works ok on tv, very good support.
CE Pin = 1
Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:03 (.259)
Target bad block No. 177
Target bad block No. 201
Target bad block No. 506
Target bad block No. 1544
Target bad block No. 1545
Target bad block No. 2074
C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/unxxd55000 - 88a7d800.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1922
Source bad block No. 1963
Source bad block No. 2038
Source bad block No. 2074
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:06:28 (.553)
Time 00:03:29 (.280)
Source bad block No. 177
Source bad block No. 201
Source bad block No. 506
Source bad block No. 1544
Source bad block No. 1545
Source bad block No. 2074
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Reply #58


104 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2017 :  19:03:12  Show Profile
Your E:/NAND/LG-32LK450-H27U4G8F2DTR.bin Loaded seems not matching the definiction of the chip.
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Reply #59


7 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  06:31:30  Show Profile
I tried to program K9GAG08U0E for BN41-01661 of Samsung UExxD5500 series using 1.09 version. I used eduardo48's dump from Reply #45. After the first start of the TV I turned the TV to Stand-by mode then went to the service mode (INFO-MENU-MUTE-PWER) and did the Factory Reset (3 times OK). With one chip that had a couple of bad blocks the TV works ok except Smart functions. As soon as I choose Smart mode the TV switches to a channel mode like there was no Smart at all. With another brand new chip with more than 10 bad blocks the TV works ok but when I go to the Smart it gets frozen on "Loading". So there is something wrong with programming the bad blocks. There is no consistency from chip to chip.

Edited by - sergeis on 08/14/2017 06:39:13
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Reply #60


7 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  06:56:57  Show Profile
Now I have programmed a brand new chip with about 35 bad blocks. The result was like in the first case - as soon as I "thouch" the Smart the TV goes back to channel.
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Reply #61


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  08:00:50  Show Profile
This definition uses replica 60

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Reply #62


104 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  08:04:15  Show Profile
sergeis can you upload files? I want to see if analyze the file system is needed to MODIFY the data. This can be very challenge.
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Reply #63


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  08:07:47  Show Profile
Sergeis, Probe another memory recovered, the same thing happened to me. Recording directly, without smart copy if it works.
I'm going to upload the bin of this other nand so I support see it.
I see that there are three consecutive bad blocks near the data area.
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Reply #64


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  08:10:47  Show Profile
Este es el bin.
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Reply #65


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  08:12:10  Show Profile
Reply 69, Este es el bin erase de la nand
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Reply #66


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  08:27:11  Show Profile
Estara? corrupto el firmware de la nand ic301, esta solo se puede actualizar, serб esta la que ocasionando el problema.
Will be? Corrupted the firmware of the nand ic301, this one can only be updated, it is this that causing the problema?

Sergeis, vi en Samsung Espaсa firmware versiуn 1027, actualizaste a esa version
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Reply #67


23 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  09:27:02  Show Profile
Originally posted by GQ5XSupport

sergeis can you upload files? I want to see if analyze the file system is needed to MODIFY the data. This can be very challenge.

Dear Sir,
What files would you like me to upload? I used the file that eduardo48 shared here. Do you want me to write then read the dump or what?
To eduardo48: dear Sir, please type English here. The Google translates badly. I cannot understand what you say. Just imagine I will start writing in Russian here. :)

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Reply #68


23 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  09:35:39  Show Profile
I have RT809H programmer in my possession. I bought it before GQ-5X and programmed K9GAG08U0E for BN41-01661. I used the following dump
with the RT809H. It gave me the SAME result on three different BN41-01661 - the TV worked fine, when I run Smart it worked until I tried to install any application from the Internet and if I did the TV reloaded. Today I tried the dump on with GQ-5X and the result was different - the TV worked unstable and finally went to the cyclic reloading. Here is the file I read from the chip that was programmed by RT809H then installed to the board and then read by GQ-5X

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Reply #69


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  09:48:01  Show Profile
Thetan , That you do not understand, I try to explain better, I do not use English, I do it through ggolge translate
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Reply #70


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  10:12:09  Show Profile
Thetan, I download your bin, is full of data, is a TV with years of use, it is harder for the gq5x to handle so much information and move data by defective blocks.
You use the bin I uploaded. They are two nand that interact, is more complex than we think.
I suggest you try with 1.09 my bin, in direct copy (without smart copy) and comment.
At this moment I am tested two memories with different results an ok work and the other the problem that causes to user serguies
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Reply #71


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  14:10:18  Show Profile
Algo asi,estoy probando con memorias usadas no tengo nuevas hasta 30 dнas.
Estбbamos probando evitar los malos bloques en el bin source la primera que pruebo funciona ok evitando los malos bloques source y la prueba en tv.
Luego pruebo otra que subi el bin erase, con Smart copy me surgio la falla de no ingresar a Smart y configuraciуn de red, hice otra prueba grabй en forma directa sin Smart copy y funciono.
Voy a probar otras que tengo, no estoy seguro si es nand o software, no se thetan y sergies que memorias usan, esto del idioma es complicado
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Reply #72


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  19:44:46  Show Profile
Bin erase me refiero, borrar una memoria leerla, bin vacio se ven los bloques malos 00
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Reply #73


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  19:51:43  Show Profile
This is the third memory used, to test.
Block bad in source removed, test in tv ok all functions. the fault depends on where the bad block is.
Something that catches my attention block 2074 always bad
CE Pin = 1
Erase starts...
Erase time 00:00:02 (.498)
Target bad block No. 320
Target bad block No. 357
Target bad block No. 371
Target bad block No. 433
Target bad block No. 440
Target bad block No. 564
Target bad block No. 1109
Target bad block No. 1179
Target bad block No. 1464
Target bad block No. 1917
Target bad block No. 2074
C:/Users/eduardo/Desktop/prueba nand/unxxd55000 - 88a7d800.bin Loaded
Source bad block No. 1922
Source bad block No. 1963
Source bad block No. 2038
Source bad block No. 2074
Create temporary file
Program Starts...
Program time 00:06:31 (.799)
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Reply #74


104 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  19:55:41  Show Profile
thetan76 I download your file, You have the old definition for the chip.
The chip should be using

Can you make change and try to program again and see the result?
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Reply #75


152 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2017 :  20:10:18  Show Profile
Si Willy arme un kilombo se mezclo todo, hay dos bin 88a7d800 uno que tiene bloques malos y el otro no.. yo lo corregi con un software que me pasaron aca, es el mismo bin, lo que hice fue colocar FF a todos los bloques malos del bin source
estaba probando la 1.09(3)no copiar a la nand los sectores malos de bin source, por esto usaba el bin con sectores malos, te recomiendo usar el que no tiene sectores malos.
voy a parar un poco aca en el foro no jodo mas
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Reply #76


7 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2017 :  04:53:19  Show Profile
Dear guys, thanks a lot for the help. I was strugling for months and finally found a solution for a puzzle named BN41-01661 (K9GAG08U0E).
Three boards work good. Here is what I did.
I used chips with minimum bad blocks- 2 and 4 bad blocks. However one chip with 2 bad blocks did not work with Smart functions.
I used 1.09 version of the software. I used eduardo48's dump for the programming. I used the Smart Copy mode without copying bad blocks from the source. When I turned the TV on for the first time I turned it to the stand-by mode and went to the service mode (INFO-MENU-MUTE-POWER) then did the factory reset (OK three times). That was it.
Thanks again particularly to the Support team. You guys rock!

Edited by - sergeis on 08/15/2017 04:55:18
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Reply #77


104 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2017 :  06:58:37  Show Profile
Great news. Normally the factory reset will format the flash.I will release 1.09 today with not copy source bad block as default.
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Reply #78


10 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2017 :  19:34:38  Show Profile
Originally posted by sergeis

Dear guys, thanks a lot for the help. I was strugling for months and finally found a solution for a puzzle named BN41-01661 (K9GAG08U0E).
Three boards work good. Here is what I did.
I used chips with minimum bad blocks- 2 and 4 bad blocks. However one chip with 2 bad blocks did not work with Smart functions.
I used 1.09 version of the software. I used eduardo48's dump for the programming. I used the Smart Copy mode without copying bad blocks from the source. When I turned the TV on for the first time I turned it to the stand-by mode and went to the service mode (INFO-MENU-MUTE-POWER) then did the factory reset (OK three times). That was it.
Thanks again particularly to the Support team. You guys rock!

Sergei, you'll be disappointed if you'll try this:
Insert a USB in your TV and........, sadly but your TV will shuts off and will start to cycle ON and OFF.

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Reply #79


10 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2017 :  19:42:26  Show Profile
Originally posted by GQ5XSupport

Great news. Normally the factory reset will format the flash.I will release 1.09 today with not copy source bad block as default.

I'm new to this forum, but not new to service.

For the last 2 weeks I'm (sorry to say this), but loosing my time for nothing. I'm also trying to program this chip and loosing my mind.
FACTORY RESET does NOT flash this chip. I tried to access USB with the a video on it. Video did not played, because the codec was not supported. I did a factory reset thru Service Menu and removed NAND IC.
READ the IC and used HEX (HxD) reader. The name of the movie that I tried to play before Factory Reset was written on the chip.
If it would flash the IC, I wouldn't be able to see that.

Now my question:
Do you have an idea on how to make our life easier to READ and WRIGHT this NAND? I'm going crazy.
Thank you!!!

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Reply #80


152 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2017 :  16:03:07  Show Profile
Originally posted by Willyxr

Hola, Eduardo, te pido una ayuda.
Use tu dump , el que me recomendaste que usara. Coloco la memo nueva virgen, le doy al boton erase, luego a smart copy.
Siempre con la version 1.08
Resulta que sigo sin una tv de ese modelo para probar, pero le vendi una memo a un colega, grabada de esa forma y me dice que se le sigue reiniciando la tv.
Que no le da tiempo a nada, ni responde al control.

Que puede haber pasado?
El paso a paso que puse es correcto? Asi las grabas vos?

Hola usa la ultima versiуn 1.09, el proceso es ese que haces, estoy probando de varias maneras, no me decido si es problema de memorias o el software esta generando la falla segъn donde estйn los bloques defectuosos, tambiйn podes probar con la versiуn 1.05 de esta manera erase , cargar el bin y write directamente, no le des importancia a la verificaciуn, asi use mucho tiempo.
Son memorias nuevas las que usas?
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Reply #81


26 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2017 :  16:23:42  Show Profile
Son memos nuevas, no tienen mas de 7 BB

Con la 1.08 tuviste problemas?
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Reply #82


104 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2017 :  19:02:20  Show Profile
Normally in a system there are program (or firmware) part and data (storage part).
If your TV (or any system) boots up properly then the firmware part is working properly. Firmware part normally use simple algorithm for bad block and simple skip bad block should work.

The data part normally use some sort of file system (like FAT,FAT32, squash etc). A factory reset normally will reset the data, it will format the data area if the data area is empty.
If the data is somewhat correct then it might not work well.

So in a system that we know where is data and where is firmware, leave the data empty might force the system to format and thus make a clean data area.

There is no simple algorithm for bad block in each embedded system (TV in this case). Samsung has its own file system called FSR_STL. Sony or LG might use different one.
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Reply #83


152 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2017 :  20:41:04  Show Profile
Support, we can consider a nand memory ok, if it can be deleted, see the bad blocks, write and then read it and with correct verification, although this does not work on tv

Support, podemos considerar una memoria nand ok, si puede borrarse, ver los bloques malos, escribir y luego leerla y con verificacion correcta, aunque esta no funcione en tv
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Reply #84


152 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2017 :  09:33:36  Show Profile
Si compre en eBay pone en le buscador TSOP48 to DIP48 Socket Adapter for TNM5000 programmer and Xeltek USB programmer.
se puede soldar alambre de bobinar con una buena lupa es un trabajito.
El bin es el mejor, yo he grabado la misma alguna sale andando, pero no la entrego a los clientes, me llama la atenciуn y podes probar que siempre las memorias que no andan tienen el bloque 2074 malo, no se si el gq5x que produce esto o la otra nand.
La otra la tengo grabada con el software nuevo pero es bga pero no tengo el adaptador para copiar, estoy viendo el rt809h pero con el adaptador bga 63 sale uno 350 dolores.
A tu ultima pregunta no tengo repuesta solo dudas.
Mi experiencia es que depende donde estйn los bloques malos y como los maneja el gq5x de esos depende el buen funcionamiento del tv, por esto cuando una memoria no anda con la versiуn 1.09 la pruebo con la 1.05 esto solo se puede hacer con el archivo que yo subi porque tiene pocos bloques con data, todos los bin que andan por internet son copiados de tv en uso con muchos bloques con data,, manejar tantos datos es peor para el gq5x.
un pensamiento que tengo es que no necesitara reservar bloques al grabar, esta k9gag08uoe es escrita por la bga.
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Reply #85


152 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2017 :  09:39:22  Show Profile
Algo que no pude hacer funcionar es el start block y numero de bloque, cambie la data en el txt definiciуn y nada siempre error tabla mal construida, probaron esto

Build bad block table for source chip (file), Size does not match
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Reply #86


26 Posts

Posted - 09/12/2017 :  08:40:31  Show Profile
eduardo, todas las memorias que tengo me marcan el 2074 como malo.
vos decis que ninguna funciona de las que tienen el 2074 malo?
o que el programador es el que causa ese bloque malo?

si todas las memos con 2074 no funcionan y lo tenes comprobado, entonces no me sirve ninguna memoria de las que tengo nuevas?
como 60 tengo.
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Reply #87


23 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2017 :  08:10:00  Show Profile

Sergei, you'll be disappointed if you'll try this:
Insert a USB in your TV and........, sadly but your TV will shuts off and will start to cycle ON and OFF.

Bull****! (sorry for my English), I inserted a USB stick many times and even updated the boards - all worked clean as a whistle!

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Reply #88


152 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2017 :  17:52:13  Show Profile
Originally posted by Willyxr

eduardo, todas las memorias que tengo me marcan el 2074 como malo.
vos decis que ninguna funciona de las que tienen el 2074 malo?
o que el programador es el que causa ese bloque malo?

si todas las memos con 2074 no funcionan y lo tenes comprobado, entonces no me sirve ninguna memoria de las que tengo nuevas?
como 60 tengo.

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Reply #89


152 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2017 :  17:53:52  Show Profile
Originally posted by Willyxr

eduardo, todas las memorias que tengo me marcan el 2074 como malo.
vos decis que ninguna funciona de las que tienen el 2074 malo?
o que el programador es el que causa ese bloque malo?

si todas las memos con 2074 no funcionan y lo tenes comprobado, entonces no me sirve ninguna memoria de las que tengo nuevas?
como 60 tengo.

Es el software
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Reply #90


10 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2017 :  21:05:40  Show Profile
Originally posted by thetan76


Sergei, you'll be disappointed if you'll try this:
Insert a USB in your TV and........, sadly but your TV will shuts off and will start to cycle ON and OFF.

Bull****! (sorry for my English), I inserted a USB stick many times and even updated the boards - all worked clean as a whistle!

Maybe it is my BIN file giving me a problem. I have 1 good chip and I READ and SAVE the file. I did it couple of times. Now, any files I try to WRITE on any NEW chips, I have this issue.
After I insert a USB tv will restart with Samsung logo. After 2-3 times of restarting, some chips will work fine and some won't.
There is 2 ways of accessing USB:
1. After TV is on for 1 minutes as soon as I insert a USB, the message will pop up. By clicking on the message (USB INSERTED) it will start accessing USB. With this technique TV will restart and will work after and will not damage IC.
2. If I will insert a USB and will use SOURCE button to access files on it, some chips goes bad and TV is doing the same (cycling ON/OFF with Samsung logo).
If any one know what it may be, please let me know. If some one have a good BIN file for PN..D6500/7000/8000 series TV please let me know.

P.S. I have a good IC with good BIN file on it, but when I READ, SAVE and PROGRAM a new IC it is the same as I described it above.

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Reply #91


2579 Posts

Posted - 09/14/2017 :  03:47:35  Show Profile
Originally posted by skdaddy69

Originally posted by thetan76


Sergei, you'll be disappointed if you'll try this:
Insert a USB in your TV and........, sadly but your TV will shuts off and will start to cycle ON and OFF.

Bull****! (sorry for my English), I inserted a USB stick many times and even updated the boards - all worked clean as a whistle!

Maybe it is my BIN file giving me a problem. I have 1 good chip and I READ and SAVE the file. I did it couple of times. Now, any files I try to WRITE on any NEW chips, I have this issue.
After I insert a USB tv will restart with Samsung logo. After 2-3 times of restarting, some chips will work fine and some won't.
There is 2 ways of accessing USB:
1. After TV is on for 1 minutes as soon as I insert a USB, the message will pop up. By clicking on the message (USB INSERTED) it will start accessing USB. With this technique TV will restart and will work after and will not damage IC.
2. If I will insert a USB and will use SOURCE button to access files on it, some chips goes bad and TV is doing the same (cycling ON/OFF with Samsung logo).
If any one know what it may be, please let me know. If some one have a good BIN file for PN..D6500/7000/8000 series TV please let me know.

P.S. I have a good IC with good BIN file on it, but when I READ, SAVE and PROGRAM a new IC it is the same as I described it above.

Did you perform a factory reset before dumping the BIN?
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Reply #92


10 Posts

Posted - 09/14/2017 :  16:34:16  Show Profile
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by skdaddy69

Originally posted by thetan76


Sergei, you'll be disappointed if you'll try this:
Insert a USB in your TV and........, sadly but your TV will shuts off and will start to cycle ON and OFF.

Bull****! (sorry for my English), I inserted a USB stick many times and even updated the boards - all worked clean as a whistle!

Maybe it is my BIN file giving me a problem. I have 1 good chip and I READ and SAVE the file. I did it couple of times. Now, any files I try to WRITE on any NEW chips, I have this issue.
After I insert a USB tv will restart with Samsung logo. After 2-3 times of restarting, some chips will work fine and some won't.
There is 2 ways of accessing USB:
1. After TV is on for 1 minutes as soon as I insert a USB, the message will pop up. By clicking on the message (USB INSERTED) it will start accessing USB. With this technique TV will restart and will work after and will not damage IC.
2. If I will insert a USB and will use SOURCE button to access files on it, some chips goes bad and TV is doing the same (cycling ON/OFF with Samsung logo).
If any one know what it may be, please let me know. If some one have a good BIN file for PN..D6500/7000/8000 series TV please let me know.

P.S. I have a good IC with good BIN file on it, but when I READ, SAVE and PROGRAM a new IC it is the same as I described it above.

Did you perform a factory reset before dumping the BIN?

No I have not. I still have a good chip. Do you think if I install it - do a factory reset and than READ on G5 it will work?
Thank you.

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Reply #93


2579 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2017 :  02:41:35  Show Profile
Originally posted by skdaddy69

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by skdaddy69

Originally posted by thetan76


Sergei, you'll be disappointed if you'll try this:
Insert a USB in your TV and........, sadly but your TV will shuts off and will start to cycle ON and OFF.

Bull****! (sorry for my English), I inserted a USB stick many times and even updated the boards - all worked clean as a whistle!

Maybe it is my BIN file giving me a problem. I have 1 good chip and I READ and SAVE the file. I did it couple of times. Now, any files I try to WRITE on any NEW chips, I have this issue.
After I insert a USB tv will restart with Samsung logo. After 2-3 times of restarting, some chips will work fine and some won't.
There is 2 ways of accessing USB:
1. After TV is on for 1 minutes as soon as I insert a USB, the message will pop up. By clicking on the message (USB INSERTED) it will start accessing USB. With this technique TV will restart and will work after and will not damage IC.
2. If I will insert a USB and will use SOURCE button to access files on it, some chips goes bad and TV is doing the same (cycling ON/OFF with Samsung logo).
If any one know what it may be, please let me know. If some one have a good BIN file for PN..D6500/7000/8000 series TV please let me know.

P.S. I have a good IC with good BIN file on it, but when I READ, SAVE and PROGRAM a new IC it is the same as I described it above.

Did you perform a factory reset before dumping the BIN?

No I have not. I still have a good chip. Do you think if I install it - do a factory reset and than READ on G5 it will work?
Thank you.

Yes, that is what you need to do to be successful, start with a good source file or edit out all the data.
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Reply #94


10 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2017 :  15:44:34  Show Profile
Hey anniel,
I did a factory reset with my new chip and after removing it, used GQ-5X to read it and saved it.
Programed a brand new chip and it the same problem.
Do you or anyone else may have a good BIN to share. I can also share my BIN if some one can test it.

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Reply #95


152 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2017 :  08:25:50  Show Profile
Willy si podes compartir ese bin lo pruebo, que versiуn usaste. Saludos.
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Reply #96


26 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2017 :  22:28:41  Show Profile
Confirmado !!!. este programador NO funciona para las memorias samsung k9gag08u0e. No las graba correctamente en ninguna de todas sus versiones de software

Confirmed !!! this programmer does NOT work for samsung k9gag08u0e memories. It does not record them correctly in any of its software versions
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Reply #97


2579 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2017 :  08:33:33  Show Profile
Originally posted by Willyxr

Confirmado !!!. este programador NO funciona para las memorias samsung k9gag08u0e. No las graba correctamente en ninguna de todas sus versiones de software

Confirmed !!! this programmer does NOT work for samsung k9gag08u0e memories. It does not record them correctly in any of its software versions

їSigues el procedimiento correcto?

Did you follow the correct procedure?
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Reply #98


26 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2017 :  15:48:05  Show Profile
Yes, i have experience

This programmer NOT work correctly.
Many memories fail

The ic are ok, with another brnad programmer, it works
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Reply #99


2579 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2017 :  03:47:51  Show Profile
Originally posted by Willyxr

Yes, i have experience

This programmer NOT work correctly.
Many memories fail

The ic are ok, with another brnad programmer, it works

Good for you then.
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Reply #100


26 Posts

Posted - 12/24/2017 :  18:09:31  Show Profile
you say good for me??
what is your problem men ???

this is not good for me, and not good for anybody !!!

this programmer not work correctly.

the smart function none works with any manufacturer of memories

this programmer are a scam.
i lost my time, my money in this.

this programmer keep contiunes sold and offering as a support for samsung tv with memories k9gag08u0e, and that is NOT TRUE !!!

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Reply #101


2579 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2017 :  13:51:36  Show Profile
Originally posted by Willyxr

you say good for me??
what is your problem men ???

this is not good for me, and not good for anybody !!!

this programmer not work correctly.

the smart function none works with any manufacturer of memories

this programmer are a scam.
i lost my time, my money in this.

this programmer keep contiunes sold and offering as a support for samsung tv with memories k9gag08u0e, and that is NOT TRUE !!!

Yes it's useless trying to tell anybody you have experience!
Yes it works correctly with all supported devices and then some.
You are a scam. A real technician would be able to operate such a simple apparatus.
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Reply #102


4 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2023 :  05:36:23  Show Profile
Могу я связаться с администрацией?
Речь идет о рекламе на вашем сайте.
С уважением.
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Reply #103


4 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2023 :  01:50:52  Show Profile
Кто то может помочь ??
Как создать свое первое сообщение.
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Reply #104


4 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2023 :  01:29:50  Show Profile
Прошу подсказать, как ответить в существующую тему?
Может я делаю что то не так?
Прошу помочь.
С уважением.
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Reply #105


4 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2023 :  22:50:06  Show Profile
Как поменять пароль?
Может я делаю что то не так?
Прошу помочь.
С уважением.
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