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 problems with eprom winbond model w27c010

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Carlos Eduardo Alves Reze Posted - 12/31/2024 : 12:15:04
I'm having problems with Winbond's W27C010 eproms. The programmer doesn't recognize them and displays an ID error. Could someone help me with a tip on how to solve this problem? Is an adapter necessary to use this eprom model?

I appreciate your help.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 01/14/2025 : 14:13:10
Originally posted by Carlos Eduardo Alves Reze

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Carlos Eduardo Alves Reze

I'm having problems with Winbond's W27C010 eproms. The programmer doesn't recognize them and displays an ID error. Could someone help me with a tip on how to solve this problem? Is an adapter necessary to use this eprom model?

I appreciate your help.

No adapter is needed. Can you post a picture of your chips?

Thanks for the answer!

This is a photo of the eprom.

The programmer doesn't recognize it. I bought a batch of 10 pieces on AliExpress and none of the 10 worked.

The funny thing is that if you put it in a 42-pin socket and make a jumper from pin 24 of the eprom to pin 2 of the socket and put it in the programmer, it recognizes the eprom ID, but still can't verify or record it.

Looks like a blacktopped chip. You can verify this with acetone.
Carlos Eduardo Alves Reze Posted - 01/13/2025 : 13:25:33
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by Carlos Eduardo Alves Reze

I'm having problems with Winbond's W27C010 eproms. The programmer doesn't recognize them and displays an ID error. Could someone help me with a tip on how to solve this problem? Is an adapter necessary to use this eprom model?

I appreciate your help.

No adapter is needed. Can you post a picture of your chips?

Thanks for the answer!

This is a photo of the eprom.

The programmer doesn't recognize it. I bought a batch of 10 pieces on AliExpress and none of the 10 worked.

The funny thing is that if you put it in a 42-pin socket and make a jumper from pin 24 of the eprom to pin 2 of the socket and put it in the programmer, it recognizes the eprom ID, but still can't verify or record it.

anniel Posted - 01/01/2025 : 06:51:43
Originally posted by Carlos Eduardo Alves Reze

I'm having problems with Winbond's W27C010 eproms. The programmer doesn't recognize them and displays an ID error. Could someone help me with a tip on how to solve this problem? Is an adapter necessary to use this eprom model?

I appreciate your help.

No adapter is needed. Can you post a picture of your chips?

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