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 Still having issues writing chips with ADP-054

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scrappysphinx Posted - 03/14/2019 : 05:59:21
Hi, i have posted about this before. I am still having issues writing 27C1024/27C2048/27C4096.

I am using a GQ4X and have tried ST M27C1024, AMD AM27C1025 and Hitachi HN27C1024 and all fail to write immediately after pressing write with the error message

"Write Failed, Address=0x000002, Buffer=0x00 Device=0x10"

I have also tried writing AM27C2048, again fails as soon as pressing write, finally i have tried HN27C4096 and again failed as soon as pressing write.

I was previously told to change the two 74HC chips on my adapter which i did and it made no difference. I was then told my adapter is probably faulty so i have purchased another and issue remains. I have updated the USB Prog to the latest version and again issue remains.

I have tried programming the chips with my TOP3000 and they program and verify fine. This leads me to believe the issue lies with the GQ4X or the ADP-054 16 bit Adapter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 03/29/2019 : 05:09:14
Originally posted by proten

Are you using the 4X or 4X4 programmer?
The software (7.23) is only for the 4X4 programmer.
You'll need the Ver. 6.38 software for the 4X programmer.

You are right but I don't think it would even work with the wrong combination.
proten Posted - 03/28/2019 : 20:51:49
Are you using the 4X or 4X4 programmer?
The software (7.23) is only for the 4X4 programmer.
You'll need the Ver. 6.38 software for the 4X programmer.
anniel Posted - 03/21/2019 : 07:30:07
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

I have done the voltage diagnostic which passes all tests, i have not tried the Hardware I/O Diagnostics as i'm not exactly sure how it works. The programmer and adapter work fine for 27C400/800 chips as i have programmed quite a few Amiga kickstart roms, its just 27C1024/2048/4096 which i use for region free bios mods on Sega CD hardware am struggling with.

Maybe a ZIF issue?
scrappysphinx Posted - 03/21/2019 : 04:08:46
I have done the voltage diagnostic which passes all tests, i have not tried the Hardware I/O Diagnostics as i'm not exactly sure how it works. The programmer and adapter work fine for 27C400/800 chips as i have programmed quite a few Amiga kickstart roms, its just 27C1024/2048/4096 which i use for region free bios mods on Sega CD hardware am struggling with.
anniel Posted - 03/20/2019 : 05:00:45
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

It's not that I believe it will make a difference and you are right in that my current chips work fine in my top programmer. I really like my gq4x and want it to work rather than have multiple programmers but sadly it appears that's not the case so I want to try and rule out all possibilities.

Had you performed a hardware test on your GQ-4X and adapter?
scrappysphinx Posted - 03/19/2019 : 18:50:03
It's not that I believe it will make a difference and you are right in that my current chips work fine in my top programmer. I really like my gq4x and want it to work rather than have multiple programmers but sadly it appears that's not the case so I want to try and rule out all possibilities.
anniel Posted - 03/19/2019 : 03:48:26
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

The latest 7.23 version

I have some supposedly brand new old stock am amd am27c1024 chips on the way (previously tested ones were used but erased) will try them and report back.

Why do you believe changing chips would make a difference? You previously told they work fine with your TOP3000.
scrappysphinx Posted - 03/19/2019 : 00:39:03
The latest 7.23 version

I have some supposedly brand new old stock am amd am27c1024 chips on the way (previously tested ones were used but erased) will try them and report back.
anniel Posted - 03/18/2019 : 03:05:35
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Hi, yes i did, but it wrote a couple of chips and then stopped working. Tried adding the WVCC line to the devices.txt and no go this time round. I can use the same adapter to write 27C400/27C800/27C160 etc, just not1024/2048/4096 chips

This is the line in my devices.txt

Name="AM27C1024",ID="XXXX",Class="27C1024",Category="EPROM",MFG="AMD",WVCC="6.5V",Adapter="ADP-054 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER";//by EZo

What is your SW version?
anniel Posted - 03/15/2019 : 04:01:26
Originally posted by laptech

I think your settings for the chip in devices.txt is wrong because this is what is in mine

Name="AM27C1024",ID="XXXX",Class="27C1024",Category="EPROM",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER";//by EZo

Also, looking at the datasheet of M27C1024, it's Vpp, WVCC, WVPP & RVPP are different.

It looks to me then that each chip needs to have it's own fine tuned settings in devices.txt for your chips to work

anniel Posted - 03/15/2019 : 04:00:45
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Hi, yes i did, but it wrote a couple of chips and then stopped working. Tried adding the WVCC line to the devices.txt and no go this time round. I can use the same adapter to write 27C400/27C800/27C160 etc, just not1024/2048/4096 chips

This is the line in my devices.txt

Name="AM27C1024",ID="XXXX",Class="27C1024",Category="EPROM",MFG="AMD",WVCC="6.5V",Adapter="ADP-054 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER";//by EZo

Try other variants that work for your chips.
laptech Posted - 03/15/2019 : 03:15:53
I think your settings for the chip in devices.txt is wrong because this is what is in mine

Name="AM27C1024",ID="XXXX",Class="27C1024",Category="EPROM",MFG="AMD",Adapter="ADP-054, ADP-055 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER";//by EZo

Also, looking at the datasheet of M27C1024, it's Vpp, WVCC, WVPP & RVPP are different.

It looks to me then that each chip needs to have it's own fine tuned settings in devices.txt for your chips to work
scrappysphinx Posted - 03/14/2019 : 06:50:38
Hi, yes i did, but it wrote a couple of chips and then stopped working. Tried adding the WVCC line to the devices.txt and no go this time round. I can use the same adapter to write 27C400/27C800/27C160 etc, just not1024/2048/4096 chips

This is the line in my devices.txt

Name="AM27C1024",ID="XXXX",Class="27C1024",Category="EPROM",MFG="AMD",WVCC="6.5V",Adapter="ADP-054 16 BIT EPROM ADAPTER";//by EZo
anniel Posted - 03/14/2019 : 06:46:52
Originally posted by scrappysphinx

Hi, i have posted about this before. I am still having issues writing 27C1024/27C2048/27C4096.

I am using a GQ4X and have tried ST M27C1024, AMD AM27C1025 and Hitachi HN27C1024 and all fail to write immediately after pressing write with the error message

"Write Failed, Address=0x000002, Buffer=0x00 Device=0x10"

I have also tried writing AM27C2048, again fails as soon as pressing write, finally i have tried HN27C4096 and again failed as soon as pressing write.

I was previously told to change the two 74HC chips on my adapter which i did and it made no difference. I was then told my adapter is probably faulty so i have purchased another and issue remains. I have updated the USB Prog to the latest version and again issue remains.

I have tried programming the chips with my TOP3000 and they program and verify fine. This leads me to believe the issue lies with the GQ4X or the ADP-054 16 bit Adapter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Didn't you resolve your issue by tweaking WVCC in the past?

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