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 27c1024 problem?

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blackdef Posted - 04/19/2019 : 09:23:28
hi, today the adp 054 adapter arrived and i start to play with the 27c1024, I had a memory to read and I put it in to see if everything worked well. I read the memory 3 times and had 3 different files, there are 2 wrong bytes in the address 1770. What should I check to get the file right?

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202741 bytes
31   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 10/08/2019 : 03:15:38
Originally posted by blackdef

nothing to do, i've tried with all the value and all the speed but nothing...

Did you try to change J5?
blackdef Posted - 10/07/2019 : 10:38:38
nothing to do, i've tried with all the value and all the speed but nothing...
anniel Posted - 10/06/2019 : 13:55:44
Originally posted by blackdef

ok thanks i'll try

You're welcome. Post back your findings.
blackdef Posted - 10/06/2019 : 12:47:37
ok thanks i'll try
anniel Posted - 10/06/2019 : 12:33:55
Originally posted by blackdef

yes it is, and the VCC value was not present on the command line. What value should I enter to try?

5.5V first, if it still fails then 6.2V, after that 6.5V.
blackdef Posted - 10/06/2019 : 12:16:55
yes it is, and the VCC value was not present on the command line. What value should I enter to try?
anniel Posted - 10/06/2019 : 11:53:54
Originally posted by blackdef

that i remember no, the device.txt it's on GQ USB Programmer folder.. it's a problem? i've add on at27c1024 VCC="5V" but nothing yet, each time the checksum change...

Don't think it should be a problem since the software sees it.

5V is the default voltage.
anniel Posted - 10/06/2019 : 11:53:44
Originally posted by blackdef

found it!!

Didn't see your message, good job.
blackdef Posted - 10/06/2019 : 11:06:51
that i remember no, the device.txt it's on GQ USB Programmer folder.. it's a problem? i've add on at27c1024 VCC="5V" but nothing yet, each time the checksum change...
anniel Posted - 10/04/2019 : 12:08:22
Originally posted by blackdef

nothing about txt file in that folder...

Did you change the default installation folder?
blackdef Posted - 10/04/2019 : 12:07:39
found it!!
blackdef Posted - 10/04/2019 : 11:43:18
nothing about txt file in that folder...
anniel Posted - 10/04/2019 : 05:36:48
Originally posted by blackdef

and where i could find this txt?

In the USBProg software select "Device" in the menu then "User Folder" and the "devices.txt" should be there.
blackdef Posted - 10/04/2019 : 00:31:40
and where i could find this txt?
anniel Posted - 10/03/2019 : 03:11:02
Originally posted by blackdef

sorry but i don't understand...

Look in devices.txt.
blackdef Posted - 10/02/2019 : 11:16:11
sorry but i don't understand...
anniel Posted - 10/02/2019 : 04:53:53
Originally posted by blackdef

what voltage?

blackdef Posted - 10/01/2019 : 23:16:51
what voltage?
anniel Posted - 10/01/2019 : 14:29:25
Originally posted by blackdef

yes only with them

Change the voltages.
blackdef Posted - 10/01/2019 : 13:05:11
yes only with them
anniel Posted - 09/30/2019 : 13:38:32
Originally posted by blackdef

Hi to all, i'm restarting to play with this memory and each time i read by willem, the checksum change... then the file are different each time, i've tried 2 27c1024 (they come from a full functional ECU) and both made the same problem. Any suggestion?

Only those chips have the problem?
blackdef Posted - 09/30/2019 : 12:27:38
Hi to all, i'm restarting to play with this memory and each time i read by willem, the checksum change... then the file are different each time, i've tried 2 27c1024 (they come from a full functional ECU) and both made the same problem. Any suggestion?
anniel Posted - 04/21/2019 : 12:00:53
Originally posted by blackdef

i don't think, the error it's on different address each time. there is a way to read the otp more slowly?

You can compare 2 or more reads and edit the bad values.
blackdef Posted - 04/21/2019 : 11:44:19
i don't think, the error it's on different address each time. there is a way to read the otp more slowly?
anniel Posted - 04/21/2019 : 05:19:10
Originally posted by blackdef

nothing, i've tried to read with different speed from the slowest to the faster and the result are the same...

Does the 2 27C1024 have the problem at the same address?
blackdef Posted - 04/20/2019 : 23:36:12
nothing, i've tried to read with different speed from the slowest to the faster and the result are the same...
anniel Posted - 04/20/2019 : 11:15:42
Originally posted by blackdef

ok i'll try thank you

You're welcome.
blackdef Posted - 04/20/2019 : 10:53:51
ok i'll try thank you
anniel Posted - 04/20/2019 : 07:25:24
Originally posted by blackdef

another 27c1024 read with willem and still problem...

Try at a lower speed and see if the problem persists.
anniel Posted - 04/20/2019 : 07:24:10
Originally posted by blackdef

hi, today the adp 054 adapter arrived and i start to play with the 27c1024, I had a memory to read and I put it in to see if everything worked well. I read the memory 3 times and had 3 different files, there are 2 wrong bytes in the address 1770. What should I check to get the file right?

Image Insert:

202741 bytes

Try at lower speed.
blackdef Posted - 04/20/2019 : 07:16:24
another 27c1024 read with willem and still problem...

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