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 Need to flash MX25L12873F

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joelz Posted - 03/18/2020 : 00:10:12
I try code from zlm this code :
Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

but when i click ID on Gq-4x software its said unknown can't read ic code, please help anyone have try this before,thanks for respon
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/03/2020 : 04:46:12
Originally posted by laptech

When you click on the button 'ID' it brings up a pop up window. What exactly does it say in that window. Does it say 'Unknown Device'? Is yes then the chip is not being seen by the device, meaning there is no power getting to the chip. If your are 100% the chips are OK then you either have an adapter problem or a programmer problem.

Did you manage to successfully program this part number?
anniel Posted - 04/03/2020 : 04:43:12
Originally posted by stevocz

Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="67108864",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Macronix",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="67108864",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

both not working

Figures, I think the algorithm needs the additional clock cycles.
laptech Posted - 04/03/2020 : 02:02:49
Originally posted by stevocz

Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="67108864",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Macronix",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="67108864",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

both not working

When you click on the button 'ID' it brings up a pop up window. What exactly does it say in that window. Does it say 'Unknown Device'? Is yes then the chip is not being seen by the device, meaning there is no power getting to the chip. If your are 100% the chips are OK then you either have an adapter problem or a programmer problem.
stevocz Posted - 03/28/2020 : 23:46:15
Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="67108864",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Macronix",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="67108864",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

both not working
anniel Posted - 03/28/2020 : 13:31:11
Originally posted by stevocz

Hi. I have the same problem with MX25L12873F. chip is from notebook with bios.

I tried

Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";


Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Macronix",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

but it doesn't work. ID is still unknown

Out of curiosity try with four times the CodeSize.
stevocz Posted - 03/28/2020 : 12:44:13
Hi. I have the same problem with MX25L12873F. chip is from notebook with bios.

I tried

Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";


Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Macronix",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

but it doesn't work. ID is still unknown
anniel Posted - 03/19/2020 : 06:56:25
Originally posted by laptech

If the chip is 100% good then it will always read an ID code back, even if the listing in the device file is worng. The fact your chip is returning a 'cant read id code' means there is a problem with the chip, the adapter that is being used or the programmer itself.

Or the algorithm since the MX25L12873F has Quad I/O enabled by default and can not be changed.
laptech Posted - 03/19/2020 : 01:22:52
If the chip is 100% good then it will always read an ID code back, even if the listing in the device file is worng. The fact your chip is returning a 'cant read id code' means there is a problem with the chip, the adapter that is being used or the programmer itself.
anniel Posted - 03/18/2020 : 03:43:19
Originally posted by joelz

I try code from zlm this code :
Name="MX25L12873F",ID="C22017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081A adapter";

but when i click ID on Gq-4x software its said unknown can't read ic code, please help anyone have try this before,thanks for respon

ID should be changed to C22018 and MFG to Macronix.

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