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Gianni Posted - 11/07/2022 : 13:15:58
I need to load the buffer with two files at different offsets but when I load the second file, the first space is filled with FF. Could it be let untouched?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 11/08/2022 : 11:52:24
Originally posted by Gianni

Thanks for replying!

No, it seems that the buffer is filled with FF before loading the second file.
Also the LSB/MSB loading seems not to work.
Using Windows 10 and the latest software just downloaded from your web site.

You are using the "Combine Files To Buffer" in the menu, right?
Gianni Posted - 11/08/2022 : 11:03:22
Thanks for replying!

No, it seems that the buffer is filled with FF before loading the second file.
Also the LSB/MSB loading seems not to work.
Using Windows 10 and the latest software just downloaded from your web site.
anniel Posted - 11/08/2022 : 09:38:03
Originally posted by Gianni

I need to load the buffer with two files at different offsets but when I load the second file, the first space is filled with FF. Could it be let untouched?

The first file loaded in the buffer should remain untouched when the second file is combined to the buffer.

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