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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Device.txt missing error Win10

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Dangerous2A Posted - 07/27/2023 : 06:03:45
Hi, Because I have to install as admin on this machine but run as user, the device.text and other files go into C:\users\admin\APPDAT\roaming\mcumall\GQ USB Programmer.
I copied the folder to C:\users\my_name\APPDAT\roaming\mcumall\GQ USB Programmer. Still no joy unless I run the prog as admin (pain in the a**e!). I copied the folder contents to the Program Files(x86)\ GQ USB Programmer folder and it now works.

Bit of a clunky install on Win10 if the user is not also administrator. Suspect a windows security thing, but this now works.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dangerous2A Posted - 08/01/2023 : 05:19:48
Revise that! I copied the files into C:\users\"My_name"\APPDAT\roaming\mcumall\GQ USB Programmer (where "my_name" is the user's name) after installing as admin.

I do have an issue where my Hex file (generated by MikroBasic) loads but does not transfer the CONFIG settings. This is a 540 Byte file (PIC is 12F629 with very small program). I got around this by programming a chip in MikroElektronika EasyPic7 then copied and saved the hex file in USBprog. That worked but gave a massive 659KB file. This is not the ideal way obviously, but no matetr what I set in the CFG or config tabs of USBprog, it is not saved.

Is this an issue with USBprog, the programmer or Intel hex files in general?
anniel Posted - 07/28/2023 : 04:07:35
Originally posted by Dangerous2A

Hi, Because I have to install as admin on this machine but run as user, the device.text and other files go into C:\users\admin\APPDAT\roaming\mcumall\GQ USB Programmer.
I copied the folder to C:\users\my_name\APPDAT\roaming\mcumall\GQ USB Programmer. Still no joy unless I run the prog as admin (pain in the a**e!). I copied the folder contents to the Program Files(x86)\ GQ USB Programmer folder and it now works.

Bit of a clunky install on Win10 if the user is not also administrator. Suspect a windows security thing, but this now works.

Good detective work!

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