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 9332 PROM to 2532 EPROM?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DoctorPinball Posted - 09/26/2023 : 15:34:18
I have an old Bally pinball machine that uses a 9332 prom. The pins are corroded badly and I want to write the data to a TMS2532JP4, which should be pin-to-pin compatible. I'm using a GQ-4X4 programmer and it seems to read the 9332 and burn to the 2532 and verifies but when I place it into the machine it doesn't work. The programmer doesn't have the exact device listed, but I'm trying to use the TMS2532JL Anyone have any thoughts on if the problem is reading the 9332 or writing to the 2532?
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anniel Posted - 09/27/2023 : 12:17:47
Originally posted by DoctorPinball

I have an old Bally pinball machine that uses a 9332 prom. The pins are corroded badly and I want to write the data to a TMS2532JP4, which should be pin-to-pin compatible. I'm using a GQ-4X4 programmer and it seems to read the 9332 and burn to the 2532 and verifies but when I place it into the machine it doesn't work. The programmer doesn't have the exact device listed, but I'm trying to use the TMS2532JL Anyone have any thoughts on if the problem is reading the 9332 or writing to the 2532?

The source 9332 work in the pinball machine?

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