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 GQ-4x4 driver not working in Windows 11 64bit ARM

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laku Posted - 01/23/2024 : 02:26:45
Hi all,
I updated my computer and try to install the usb driver for my GQ-4x4. I am able to run the install as Administrator and it says successful installed, but the device is still not recognized.
I am running a Windows 11 Enterprise 64bit ARM.
Do you have any advise?
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
laku Posted - 07/09/2024 : 05:52:07
Thanks for this tip. Unfortunately I am not able to find it. Can you provide a link?
Thanks again!
ZLM Posted - 05/29/2024 : 23:39:54
The driver is Cypress cy68013 USB standard driver. You may directly download driver from the cy68013 USB chip manufacture website. The GQ-4x4 uses cyusb3.sys driver.
laku Posted - 05/03/2024 : 03:07:39
So at least two with this problem here posting. I would guess there are more out in the wild.

Therefore I want to bring this topic up again. A driver for the ARM version would be highly appreciated. Also a software version for MacOS would be another option, but I guess compiling the driver for ARM is way easier.
anniel Posted - 04/24/2024 : 05:41:12
Originally posted by pausuri

Does anyone know if mcumall staff/developers read this forum??

Yes, they do from time to time.
pausuri Posted - 04/23/2024 : 09:23:16
Well, I think I've got the my answer already....
pausuri Posted - 04/20/2024 : 11:52:39
Does anyone know if mcumall staff/developers read this forum??
pausuri Posted - 04/16/2024 : 12:12:12
I've been using the GQUSBprg programmer app on Windows 7 VMware for the past 4 years with no issues at all
EmfDev Posted - 04/15/2024 : 16:32:17
VMwave is not suppored and ARM is not supported unfortunately.
pausuri Posted - 04/10/2024 : 14:08:18
I'm on the same boat, I'm using a M3 MacBook with VMware and Windows 11 ARM.. hopefully they might release a ARM version of the drivers.....
laku Posted - 04/09/2024 : 00:02:49
It is all about the version and hardware. Win11 Intel works, Win11 ARM does not. Would really like see a driver for WIN11 ARM.
anniel Posted - 03/05/2024 : 08:32:03
Originally posted by jb314

Has anyone been successful getting this the driver to install correctly on Windows 11? I'm running into the same issue. The driver appears to install fine, but the device is still not recognized.

Works fine here.
jb314 Posted - 03/04/2024 : 15:22:22
Has anyone been successful getting this the driver to install correctly on Windows 11? I'm running into the same issue. The driver appears to install fine, but the device is still not recognized.
laku Posted - 01/25/2024 : 03:33:20
Does anybody has a connect to the vendor or developers of the drivers?
laku Posted - 01/24/2024 : 04:12:34
I was able to install the driver by adjusting the inf file and installing with disabled signature checking.

Now the device status is:
The driver for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with Windows. Contact the hardware vendor for a new driver. (Code 48)

All obvious solutions to this error show no results. So it looks like an update from the vendor is really necessary.
laku Posted - 01/23/2024 : 23:53:10
Yes, exactly. I tried both, both seem to install without an error, but are not available in the list of drivers, neither is the device recognized.
anniel Posted - 01/23/2024 : 09:53:10
Originally posted by laku

Hi all,
I updated my computer and try to install the usb driver for my GQ-4x4. I am able to run the install as Administrator and it says successful installed, but the device is still not recognized.
I am running a Windows 11 Enterprise 64bit ARM.
Do you have any advise?

Did you try those?

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