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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 USB driver Re2.01, Error 1303 1310 , crash fix

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Romance Posted - 05/26/2009 : 23:34:37
My laptop has Windows Vista 32 Bit.
I tried to install GQUSBPrgRe4.01 on it but I got this error.

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I installed GQUSBPrgRe3.03 but it couldn't detect CQ-4X. When I run this program it shows this error:

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My laptop detects GQ-4X as "Pasco Xplorer Bootloader", but it doesn't work.

Are you sure that it works with Win Vista 32 Bit?
I tried to install Software V4.01 on another laptop, but it was the same situation and the same problem.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 05/31/2012 : 22:18:10
For those program crashed in Win 7, try Windows DEP setting:
tom_ing Posted - 05/07/2010 : 10:01:15

Same issue on another HUB used.

ZLM Posted - 05/07/2010 : 08:43:30
Can you try it on another computer?
Did you used a USB hub?

Check the USB driver from Windows Device Manager first. see:

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For unknown device in the device manager, you need to Download and install the USB driver Re2.01 for GQ-4X OR Re3.00 for GQ-4X V4(GQ-4x4) via Update the driver:

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USB driver Re2.01 for GQ-4X OR Re3.00 for GQ-4X V4(GQ-4x4):

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You should see this from software lower left:

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tom_ing Posted - 05/07/2010 : 07:58:20

I just my GQ-4X programmer in the mail today, but when installing the USB driver v2 as described above my windoes does not detect the programmer....

I get the unknown USB device problem from Device manager and can not update the driver version.

I then use the application USBView and it's telling me the following.

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How can i make my windows detect the GQ-4X programmer ?
Excalibre Posted - 02/19/2010 : 09:47:10
Just need to right click on the setup file and run as admin, installs ok then.

Easier than messing with user account controls.

Romance Posted - 05/27/2009 : 21:28:52
Thank you guys specially ZLM.

Your comments are very helpful.
Now it is working fine.
Whit this start up message:

H/W Re: GQ-4X Re-1.30
USB Driver Re.2.0
Software Re. 4.01

ZLM Posted - 05/27/2009 : 09:43:53
From Excalibre:

"Just need to right click on the setup file and run as admin, installs ok then."

Thanks to Excalibre.

(ZLM added on July-8-2010)

The software Re.3.03 works on USB driver 1.0.

I think there is a USB driver conflict in you system.

You better to solve the driver problem frist.

update the driver to USB2.0 by clik on the update driver button in the device manager.

Step for updating the driver to 2.01:

You can download the RE2.01 driver from:

1. In device manager, right click on the GQ-4X device item, which is the programmer with wrong driver loaded.
2. Select Properties->Driver->Update Driver
3. Direct the windows to the driver Re2.01 directory and select "GQwin64.inf".

For installation on the software, can you try to turn off the UAC from your vista?


1.Open up Control Panel, and type in "UAC" into the search box. You'll see a link for "Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off":

2.On the next screen you should uncheck the box for Use User Account Control (UAC), and then click on the OK button.

hanso Posted - 05/27/2009 : 09:04:26
The installer complains about not being run as admistrator, and is therefore refused access to that directory.

Perhaps you can fix it by logging in as administrator (prefered way) or by setting the permissions to that directory less restricted?


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