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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)

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ABDOU13 Posted - 07/17/2010 : 14:44:42
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chadbh74 Posted - 12/04/2015 : 19:53:05
Just passing this on to other users...

MCUMall support seems to have corrected issues with the 28SF040 as of v7.06 (Which I believe is still in testing phase at the time of this posting and not yet released). I have tested this version with my 28SF040 150-4C-NH chips and it is working flawlessly so far.

Be looking out for the update!
ZLM Posted - 11/24/2015 : 19:14:33

Try slower speed. If it still does not work, then the software algorithm need to be tuned.

If possible and fast fix, send us your chip. The chip will be returned to you once completed the test.

Write email to for the address.
chadbh74 Posted - 11/24/2015 : 16:39:07
Already tried:
Name="SST28SF040A*PLCC32",ID="BF04",Class="SST28VF040A",Category="FLASH",MFG="SST",Adapter="ADP-062, ADP-005";

It does NOT work. Here's the log of what happens with this configuration...

Configuration OK!
ID check OK
Elapsed time: 0.06 seconds.
Erase completed.
ID check OK
Blank checking... Buffer
Elapsed time: 14.73 seconds.
Chip is blank
ID check OK
Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds.
Write failed, Address=0x000000, Buffer=0x8E Device=0xFF
Write failed
Speed = 4
ID check OK
Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 40.62 seconds.
Device write completed OK
ID check OK
Verifying... Buffer
Verify Failed, Address=0x000000, Device=0xFF, Buffer=0x8E
Verify Failed
Elapsed time: 3.46 seconds.
ZLM Posted - 11/23/2015 : 19:30:43
Name="SST28SF040A*PLCC32",ID="BF04",Class="SST28VF040A",Category="FLASH",MFG="SST",Adapter="ADP-062, ADP-005";
chadbh74 Posted - 11/22/2015 : 15:59:23
But Im not trying to use a 28VF040 (2.7V-3.6V), I'm trying to program a 28SF040 (5V).

Originally posted by ZLM

28VF040 working voltage is 2.7V-3.6V.
So, set the VCC to 3.6V should work.

Name="SST28VF040*PLCC32",ID="BF04",Class="SST28VF040A",VCC="3.6V",VPP="3.6V",Category="FLASH",MFG="SST",Speed="2",Adapter="ADP-062, ADP005 PLCC32-DIP32";

ZLM Posted - 11/18/2015 : 08:40:48
28VF040 working voltage is 2.7V-3.6V.
So, set the VCC to 3.6V should work.

Name="SST28VF040*PLCC32",ID="BF04",Class="SST28VF040A",VCC="3.6V",VPP="3.6V",Category="FLASH",MFG="SST",Speed="2",Adapter="ADP-062, ADP005 PLCC32-DIP32";
chadbh74 Posted - 11/16/2015 : 22:30:08
P.S. The 28SF040 appears to be the 5V version of the 28VF040 (2.7V chip). See

I used the 28VF040 class and adjusted voltages but still will not read anything but 0xFF when trying to Verify after the Write cycle. The chip remains blank. It wouldn't even attempt to write until I adjusted the speed. Please help! Anyone?

Name="SST28SF040*PLCC32",ID="BF04",Class="SST28VF040A",VCC="5V",WVCC="5V",BVCC="5V",VPP="5V",RVPP="5V",WVPP="5V",Category="FLASH",MFG="SST",Speed="2",Adapter="ADP-062, ADP005 PLCC32-DIP32";
chadbh74 Posted - 11/16/2015 : 17:20:29
This is a old post. Was support for this chip ever followed up on? I tried both the Winbond W29C040 and Atmel AT29C040. They would WRITE but got 0xFF immediately at verification phase. My old Willem 4.5 Parallel Port programmer wold do these chips. The GQ-4X should be able to handle it too I would think.
ZLM Posted - 07/17/2010 : 22:15:48
This chip has different command set. We will find a testing chip and then change the software.

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