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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 5P08C3 can't read/write/verify???

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ohhello Posted - 02/10/2012 : 22:10:06
Received my brand new GQ-4X today, downloaded the updated software and got the driver installed. Software and hardware are in communication.

Used my soic adapter and a 5P08C3 chip and software attempted to read it but buffer showed all (FF), upon trying to write it fails during verify...assuming this means it's not actually writing the buffer.

Any help on this? Have tried higher and lower speeds, have 4 5P08C3 chips here to test, same result on all of them so far.

Am I missing something obvious? Does the programmer required a 9v source aside from the USB power?

Thanks guys!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 06/04/2012 : 11:21:09
Of course it matters that its inserted correctly.
Marin Posted - 06/02/2012 : 07:37:20
I found that it does matter which side chip in pointed. IF I put chip one way it will read FFFF, but if I turn around 180* it will read correct.
Try this as well.
Also sometimes you have to erase chip to be able to write it in. I always have extra chip to be on safe side if is not possible to read/write so I can put original chip back.
ZLM Posted - 05/31/2012 : 22:14:22
try to ues latest software and slower speed.
stevo11811 Posted - 05/29/2012 : 09:57:29
having a similar issue with 5p08c3, with gq-4x, with two different chips, i can read but not write, and after hitting write the data stays the exact same, with the latest updates, any idea's?
ZLM Posted - 02/13/2012 : 20:16:07
The USB power is good enough for this chip.

Double check your SOIC adpater and make sure the adapter has no problem, including pin contacting.

Also confirm those chips are all good.

Try different speed too.

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