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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)

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krozzen Posted - 04/19/2012 : 02:15:08
i have gq-4x and ver 2 tsop adapter. gq-4x cant read the device and it promt me to this site
to modify my tsop. I suppose it has no support for this chips yet, pls i need advice regarding this matter. Do i need to modify or i have to wait for the new update for the software.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 05/31/2012 : 22:02:48
krozzen Posted - 05/30/2012 : 22:04:47
can i just buy the version 3 adapter, since i already have the tsop. how much would it cost???
ZLM Posted - 05/11/2012 : 13:26:36
The current item is V3. The image is just updated.

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krozzen Posted - 05/11/2012 : 00:40:22
i been searching for ADP-003 v3 and it price but i wonder if it available in the market coz i have not seen it. i been searching for it... it not available here in mcumall?
krozzen Posted - 05/10/2012 : 22:52:39
i only have 16 bit adapter and i try to locate a21 but only vpp. i cut the connection in vpp and there nothing change it same error cant read the chips..
ZLM Posted - 05/01/2012 : 20:18:57
The S29GL064N90TFI040 is supported n GQ-4X with latest software.

The adapter ADP-003 V3 has a jumper for this chip. If you do not have ADP-003 V3, then you have to mode your earlier version ADP-003 based on above picture.

This chip is confrimed work with ADP-003 V3.
krozzen Posted - 04/29/2012 : 19:52:35
what is the compatible adapter for s29glo64?? do you have compatible tsop 48 for this kind of ic (s29glo64).

can you help me what ADP-003 With MOD mean?
Can it support 8/16 bit?
ZLM Posted - 04/28/2012 : 23:33:16
Your adapter is not designed by MCUmall. So, no way to modefy it based my picture.
krozzen Posted - 04/28/2012 : 01:35:56

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this the spansion s29gl064n0tf103 chip error i encounter

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krozzen Posted - 04/28/2012 : 01:32:03
ive seen it but its version 1, what i have is version 2.

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ZLM Posted - 04/27/2012 : 00:10:08

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krozzen Posted - 04/26/2012 : 20:22:46
kindly post the schematic or picture diagram or any layout for modification or please send it to my email add
hope its the solution I've been waiting for..
ZLM Posted - 04/25/2012 : 23:05:35
I have n schematic. The modify is not difficult, only cut one trace and add one wire.
krozzen Posted - 04/25/2012 : 19:51:19
do you have schematic diagram to modify my version 2? i try to follow the modification of tsop48 version 1 but i cant its hard since its more complex and its diff layout. pls help me badly needid
ZLM Posted - 04/24/2012 : 21:50:17
Yes. If your adapter is not V3, then you need a modification on it.
krozzen Posted - 04/24/2012 : 18:19:59
i try to flash spansion s29gl064n0tf103, this chips is not supported in gq-4x? i use version 2 tsop48 adp-003. then it prompt me to the site ADP-003_MOD_01.jpg
krozzen Posted - 04/24/2012 : 02:09:08
unfortunately i have bought the version 2 TSOP48 adapter ADP-003 and i hope theirs a solution for this aside from buying a new version. Ive seen version 1 TSOP48 adapter ADP-003 rewired hoped you can advice me how to fix my tsop48 version 2
ZLM Posted - 04/20/2012 : 23:11:07
If your purchse latest TSOP48 adapter ADP-003, then it has jumper on it for this chip. The software already supported this chip.

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