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 Device support for 25B64BS

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rado_tm Posted - 01/29/2015 : 01:15:20
Can someone help ? Is this device supported by Gq-4x ?
I'm getting ID code : C84017
Think Ic is EN25B64BS
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anniel Posted - 01/29/2020 : 05:21:11
Originally posted by pashha

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by pashha

Originally posted by ZLM

Based on the datasheet, the ID should be "1C2017".

Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="1C2017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";

i pasted it correctly into the serial eeprom section. i can see it now but under manifaturer is written : Apple ! and i,t gives error by reading it. something is wrong with ID i guess

Which ID do you get?

c84017 (or maybe someone tell me a replacement chip wich is supported by gq-4x

Try with Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="C84017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";
anniel Posted - 01/29/2020 : 04:50:00
Originally posted by pashha

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by pashha

Originally posted by ZLM

Based on the datasheet, the ID should be "1C2017".

Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="1C2017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";

i pasted it correctly into the serial eeprom section. i can see it now but under manifaturer is written : Apple ! and i,t gives error by reading it. something is wrong with ID i guess

Which ID do you get?

c84017 (or maybe someone tell me a replacement chip wich is supported by gq-4x

C84017 is a GD25Q64 not a GD25B64.
pashha Posted - 01/29/2020 : 04:06:32
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by pashha

Originally posted by ZLM

Based on the datasheet, the ID should be "1C2017".

Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="1C2017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";

i pasted it correctly into the serial eeprom section. i can see it now but under manifaturer is written : Apple ! and i,t gives error by reading it. something is wrong with ID i guess

Which ID do you get?

c84017 (or maybe someone tell me a replacement chip wich is supported by gq-4x
anniel Posted - 01/27/2020 : 09:49:00
Originally posted by pashha

Originally posted by ZLM

Based on the datasheet, the ID should be "1C2017".

Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="1C2017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";

i pasted it correctly into the serial eeprom section. i can see it now but under manifaturer is written : Apple ! and i,t gives error by reading it. something is wrong with ID i guess

Which ID do you get?
pashha Posted - 01/27/2020 : 08:26:48
Originally posted by ZLM

Based on the datasheet, the ID should be "1C2017".

Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="1C2017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";

i pasted it correctly into the serial eeprom section. i can see it now but under manifaturer is written : Apple ! and i,t gives error by reading it. something is wrong with ID i guess
ZLM Posted - 01/29/2015 : 23:22:19
Based on the datasheet, the ID should be "1C2017".

Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="1C2017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";
laptech Posted - 01/29/2015 : 08:24:02
Looks like you have the same problem I had with these similar made chips. They are made by company called GigaDevices of which the GQ-4x does not support. I got help with a GD25Q80 and the data for these devices are very similar. You will need to add the following line into the devices.txt file, make sure you put it in the 'Serial Eprom' section. It should work. I added a file for a GD25Q32 based on the info ZLM provided and what other info i saw in the text file so the line I've provided should work for your chip. Or you can wait for ZLM to confirm what i have written.

Name="GD25B64BSIG",ID="C84017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="GigaDevice",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";
rado_tm Posted - 01/29/2015 : 08:01:00
I'm Attaching a photo of ic

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148.57 KB

laptech Posted - 01/29/2015 : 05:22:37
I found a datasheet for a EN25B64, h**p:// i wonder if this is the same chip. On page 16 you will notice it's code is 1C2017

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