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 PIC12F1840 support

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marquitos550b Posted - 10/26/2015 : 08:47:22
Hi, I need to program this chip but I don't know how to add it to the device list.
Please any advice.
This is the data sheet.

Thank you.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 12/25/2017 : 13:36:29
Originally posted by free30

Ruled out on both counts there then. ;)

Thanks again

Or you could try to contact the original programmer.
free30 Posted - 12/24/2017 : 16:40:48

Ruled out on both counts there then. ;)

Thanks again
anniel Posted - 12/24/2017 : 14:50:50
Originally posted by free30

Thank you so much for your support.
So I'm guessing that I cant remove the protection to allow me to read the chip?

Thanks again, there was just too many variable for an inexperienced person like myself.

There is more complicated and costly ways to reverse engineer such chips.
free30 Posted - 12/24/2017 : 08:05:59
Thank you so much for your support.
So I'm guessing that I cant remove the protection to allow me to read the chip?

Thanks again, there was just too many variable for an inexperienced person like myself.
anniel Posted - 12/24/2017 : 06:40:04
Originally posted by free30

Hello, thanks in advance for any help. I'm a bit naive with this stuff.

I'm using a GX-4X to try a copy a PIC12F1840.
The configuration above in 'marquitos550b' post 2 gives an error opening 'PIC12F1840I/' and then does not recognize the ID.

So I use this line in the 'devices.txt' instead and it sees the right ID.

Now when I read the chip its gets the ID right and seems to read the 'data' but only give '0000...' for the buffer where I'd expect to see the program on the chip.

Is there something I'm missing?
Can the PIC12F1840 be locked and then'0000 0000....' is the chip locked rather than one I cant read?
Is there another I could try?
Should I upgrade to the GX-4X4?

Many thanks for any advise

Taken from the datasheet:

The entire program memory space is protected from
external reads and writes by the CP bit in Configuration
Word 1. When CP = 0, external reads and writes of
program memory are inhibited and a read will return all
The CPU can continue to read program memory,
regardless of the protection bit settings. Writing the
program memory is dependent upon the write
protection setting. See Section 4.3 “Write
Protection” for more information.
free30 Posted - 12/24/2017 : 05:59:42
Hello, thanks in advance for any help. I'm a bit naive with this stuff.

I'm using a GX-4X to try a copy a PIC12F1840.
The configuration above in 'marquitos550b' post 2 gives an error opening 'PIC12F1840I/' and then does not recognize the ID.

So I use this line in the 'devices.txt' instead and it sees the right ID.

Now when I read the chip its gets the ID right and seems to read the 'data' but only give '0000...' for the buffer where I'd expect to see the program on the chip.

Is there something I'm missing?
Can the PIC12F1840 be locked and then'0000 0000....' is the chip locked rather than one I cant read?
Is there another I could try?
Should I upgrade to the GX-4X4?

Many thanks for any advise

marquitos550b Posted - 11/07/2015 : 07:44:06
Hi ZLM, sorry for my delay in aswering I have been very busy at job.
This configuration works well:


Thanks for caring.
Best regards
ZLM Posted - 10/27/2015 : 13:16:50
Try to add following line into devices.txt file and make sure the file in the devices directory.


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