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 gq-4x writing stuck at 0%

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lospaty Posted - 12/24/2015 : 15:17:40
i messed for two days with this thing
and its starting to make me very angry.

i have tried everything i could find from looking online, blew the socket out, even cleaned it with a contact file... check continuity etc etc. removed the socket from the board even twice...does nothing.

tried many times to burn a chip.
the vcc light will be on the whole time , and its just stuck at 0%. if u cancel it, its like the device just gets stuck there and only way to get it out of this is to uplug it.
why is this happening cant the software detect there is some sort of problem?
voltage test are good.
blank check says chip is blank.
tried a few other ones just cant get a single chip to burn
chip im trying to burn right now is m27c4001, also tried mc27c801.

obviously this thing is dead in the water
ive tried on another computer and well same story cant burn a thing

so how do i fix it? im tempted to use gasoline and a sledgehammer cause that will fix it real good but that will be money throw away.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 12/25/2015 : 17:30:15
Maybe the ZIF is bad.
lospaty Posted - 12/25/2015 : 16:40:44
nah this thing is busted. tried some other chips now same story...
feel like throwing gasoline over it and setting it on fire. but im gonna mail it to people who make it so they can atleast feel my anger.

biggest pain in i have ever had to deal with and i fixed 100s of pcs in my time.
clearly there is a quality control issue with this product cause searching online i find tons of people having had issues with it :(
lospaty Posted - 12/25/2015 : 16:08:30
hey yea the m27c4001 are old roms i just had. but i tested like 5 none wanted to start burning..
i just burned a tms 27c010a to 50% and it screwed up.
surely my settings for those m27c4001 is messed up i mean i dont know what else it can be

anniel Posted - 12/25/2015 : 08:49:53
Yes lowering burning speed sometimes aid with troublesome chips.
Are all the m27c4001 from the same lot?
Are your chips returning a chip ID, what ID?
lospaty Posted - 12/24/2015 : 20:37:51
im trying m27c801 at speed 0... it wrote.

so what is up with every other one that i could not write? wrong settings as in the voltage or something?
ill see if i have more m27c801 and test to see.
have about 5x m27c4001 and all of them fail when u start to burn.
lospaty Posted - 12/24/2015 : 19:18:44
found a 9v supply at my friends place.. still does same thing...

are all programmers this troublesome? cause this is driving me crazy and halting my work cant do anything if i dont burn this thing.
lospaty Posted - 12/24/2015 : 18:52:36
chip is placed correctly i can read from them. do blank check.

tried on my friends win 10 pc. when i start the write i get write failed address:0x000000, buffer=0x30 , device=0x73
on my win 7 pc it just locks up while writing.

tried another usb cable now too same story.
ill have to get a external power supply only have 12volt and 6volt ones :( but im not so sure this will help,my research into problems like this i hardly ever see the power supply solve the issue.
anniel Posted - 12/24/2015 : 17:35:07
Chip is placed towards the lower side of the ZIF?
Try with external power.
lospaty Posted - 12/24/2015 : 15:21:26
oh yes and im using latest software version 6.38. even tried 6.30.
hardware version is 4x Re-1.42
driver version

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